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  1. M

    Doctors in houston or Dallas

    Is Defy fairly good? Do you feel like you're working with super experienced doctors/nurses for all situations? The last couple of times I took testosterone, my sex drive got messed up; so probably estrogen, SGBH or something else; so just need to make sure I take the right steps... and using my...
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    Doctors in Dallas??

    any good TRT doctors in Dallas, and not those TRT clinics? I'm looking for a doctor that really understands everything and takes insurance. Thanks!
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    Lab Results and medium/low libido and ED

    So I'm 47 years old; very healthy (eat organic, workout 4 to 5 days a week - although not much cardio at all), and low libido, some ED, etc.. I take a bunch of supplements as well (zinc, vitamin C/D/E/K, boron, NAD+, glucosamine, collagen, reservatrol, CoQ10, Alpha GPC, Mushrooms [agrakorin...
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    Need Help ASAP and how to pick the right doctor?

    So I'm 46 years old and sexual drive is down significantly along with ability to stay hard. I've taken tests in the pasts and then self-diagnose (with help on here as well), but think it's best to find a good doctor that can evaluate and put me on the true path to solve my issue to regular to my...
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    GainsWave, Big D or Low Intensity Sound Waves

    That's what I thought. They're marketing this thing that seems to work for 60% to 70% of the people they test it on, but to what extent does it work for what portions of those people as well? It could be a big money pit or something great.
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    GainsWave, Big D or Low Intensity Sound Waves

    I know there are several posts on this site in regards to the GainsWave and BigD Therapy (Low Intensity Sound Waves). It has a 62% to 70% chance of working and the doctor I saw in doctor seemed like a bit of a baffoon about it as he just got it a couple months prior and didn't really know how to...
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    No sex drive and not sure why.

    I'm 90% sure my Proviron is legit. It worked at first for the first 2 to 3 weeks - substantial difference, then the difference went away. booo
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    No sex drive and not sure why.

    ok,thanks... I was hoping much sooner. ha
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    No sex drive and not sure why.

    Thanks, so regulate E2 with arimidex? My SHBG were high before, so I'm taking Proviron as well - good, bad?
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    No sex drive and not sure why.

    In January I had stopped testosterone for that test to see what would happen - which is why that is low. During the last 6 months my sex drive hasn't really changed no matter what I do. No Testosterone vs 250 mg per 2 weeks - No Arimidex / with Arimidex. HCG didn't have an effect. I can't seem...
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    No sex drive and not sure why.

    So no libido/sex drive - 41 year sold, active (gym, yoga, a tiny bit of cardio) and starting takin 250 mg of sustanon & cyp every 2 weeks. My December results below were after taking a shot and this most recent one was 2 weeks after not being on any. no HCG or anything else. I just started to...
  12. M

    No Libido at age 41, LAB RESULTS posted here.. help?!

    thanks - my PRE-TRT free testosterone was 454 actually.. not really bad for my age I think. So if testosterone isn't the issue and doesn't seem like it is... what could it be? What type of doctor could I see that really understands this and knows how to fix it? Any recommendations in Dallas, TX?
  13. M

    No Libido at age 41, LAB RESULTS posted here.. help?!

    oh ya - I take it, but not too regularly - once or twice a week. I don't think I took it for at least 4 days before this test though.
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    No Libido at age 41, LAB RESULTS posted here.. help?!

    No HCH. No AI. Sustanon was my choice - no doctor. I went to one of those ED clinics and they just want to charge you for weekly injections and blood draws. If adding testosterone to it and HCG doesn't help, then they seem very basic and limited (from my visits to speak with them). Any good...
  15. M

    No Libido at age 41, LAB RESULTS posted here.. help?!

    So, I'm 41 -- do very little cardio, but workout and yoga about 3 to 5 days a week. I eat extremely healthy and take a bunch of different vitamins (probiotics, c, e, k2, b complex, reservatrol, hyaluronic acid, boron, zinc, etc..) and just no sex drive or I don't stay hard for long if it...
  16. M

    No libido! decent T, high HT, high SHBG, low Vit D

    Ok, thank you! Anything else you think I should test for? Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) - Evaluates overall thyroid function Total Thyroxine (T4) - Measures the total amount of T4 produced by the thyroid gland Free Thyroxine (T4) - Measures the amount of T4 available to the cells and...
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    No libido! decent T, high HT, high SHBG, low Vit D

    How do you lower TSH? I live in Dallas, TX - tons of sun and warm/hot weather. I'm always hot though.. my body is like a furnace but I'm also a bit hyper and have anxiety which probably contributes to that. Years ago when i was 22, a doctor did blood tests on me and got me on Arimidex to solve...
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    No libido! decent T, high HT, high SHBG, low Vit D

    So here is the deal. I have low libido and not really sure why. It started a year ago out of the blue and then I took one arimidex for 3 days to see if it'd help and I think that messed me up more. I saw a doctor and she doesn't really know how to solve this either. I'm 40 - in shape with low...