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  1. D

    Does anyone know a good hormone doctor for women in New York?

    Dr Lauren Schulz in nyc is excellent and highly recommended.
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    I don't know of any literature to support this belief. I prefer injections over pellets all the time as they are much easier to adjust and dont hang around for 3 months.
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    I dont diagnose gynecomastia usually as it's rare in doses I use and patients I treat. I usually will defer to a general surgeon near me to differentiate fat vs gynecomastia. Certainly there are some cases I see that are obvious, but I dont do the surgical repair on these cases. Generally my...
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Hi, thank you for the question, I would like to see your blood values to give a more complete answer. Regarding the Hct levels, recent studies indicate that hct levels above 52 put one at risk of complications so at your levels it should not be a concern. Your psa level is great and you seem to...
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    Does anyone have a good trt doctor in new York who takes insurance?

    No , refills can be send electronically. Please contact me at [email protected] if you have any difficulties making an appointment. I will facilitate personally.
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    Does anyone have a good trt doctor in new York who takes insurance?

    Hi, this is Dr Rotman. I have offices in nyc and long island . I am truly sorry about your experience with my office staff. This is not the normal experience and if you decide to return please reach out to me directly if this occurs. In terms of blood tests, it is generally every 6 months after...
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    Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

    I have had a good number of my ED patients who have venous leak as the cause of their dysfunction respond to a new device called Xialla. It is a novel type of device to help maintain erections without discomfort. I don’t have any vested interest in the device but when medications fail, this is a...
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Thank you for the question. Different people react differently to TRT and perhaps your level was too high given you started at a good level. There is no guide to how long your body will take to get back to baseline but it would likely be more than 3 months and closer to 6-9.
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    How long until fertility comes back when stoping TRT cold turkey

    Actually studies show it can take up to 24 months depending on length of time used and what type of anabolic used. This is of course just using time to expedite recovery without adding on any HCG, Clomid etc.
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    Anyone Consulting Dr. Rotman in NYC?

    Actually Testopel has 75mg (pardon the correction Nelson ;)) , but that is still significantly less than Empower's product.
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Hi sir, thank you for the kind comments . I apologize for the delayed response. I personally do not treat thyroid issues as it is not something I have experience in treating. I defer to endo and other medical doctors who are in tune with current thyroid supplementation. I will certainly evaluate...
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Humbled by your response. I will be very willing to answer any questions that I am able to, going forward on this forum. Nelson is a great resource to me personally as I frequently will ask of him advice on things I encounter. Never be ashamed to ask for help in this field. Cowboys in this field...
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    Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone

    Happy Thanksgiving Nelson and to everyone on this board who has contributed so much to this exciting field.
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Honestly, testosterone values vary so much depending on time of day, stress levels, levels of absorption, that nobody could answer this question properly. It certainly isnt the norm but not unheard of.
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Hi, ill be honest, the pictured above does not tell the whole story. You need your levels evaluated, possibly semen analysis if future fertility is at all a concern, and a visit to your local hormone specialist. Using unverified products from a gym setting makes it difficult to figure out what...
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    I have not seen any signs of densensitization. I don't thing cycling is necessary
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    This is a rare situation. I would likely recommend patient receive treatment first prior to resuming TRT. That being said, if a patient insists on staying on TRT while on active surveillance, I may consider it if patient is aware of the risks. Each situation needs to be considered individually.
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Yes you have the incorrect doses. You need to speak your local urologist to further clarify as I don’t send patients with prescriptions for this medication.
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Honestly I’m not familiar of any validated labs. What specific test are you speaking of?
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Similar to other reflex tests. Like 4K I don’t know personally if anyone uses this test. Honestly, total, free and PSA density + MRI are pretty useful and helpful!
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    Anyone Consulting Dr. Rotman in NYC?

    Hi, yes I do offer Testopel as option in my office . Feel free to email me thru my website for any further questions. I will be out of the office tomorrow thru Tuesday but back on Wednesday.
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Wow, that is a difficult question to answer. One needs to identify the source of anxiety first and then take it from there. The use of a psychiatrist to work your way through it can be very helpful.
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Hi Charlie, lots of issues to address. One- you need to make sure your Thyroid levels are in the normal range to obtain optimal T levels. Two- hcg has many beneficial effects inn addition to preserving fertility, such as preventing atrophy and improving your own T levels by mimicking LH. Clomid...
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Hi Zentech, Your case is not unusual as I have many patients with this type of condition and it is frustrating as they do all the recommended things and still do not return to where they were at baseline both numbers wise and symptoms wise. Some people do suffer from permanent dysfunction after...
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Hi, taking hormones without medical monitoring is never effective or safe. Data on boron is very weak and inconclusive. I suggest that you seek local medical advice for your low libido and anxiety issues as left unchecked could result in long term issues. This forum would not be sufficient...
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    i would address the prostatitis like symptoms as these are not the norm after passing stones. Make sure your doctor does a 24 hour urine collections to assess your stone risk profile. Would not check psa for a while after passing stones or having acute symptoms.
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    I have not utilized other forms besides injectables, but like other injectables, they tend to be much more effective
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Hi guys, I have a question for all of you on or who have been on TRT at some point. Has anyone reading this not achieved normal or high normal levels when taking at least 200 mg testosterone weekly? Curious as I have reviewed a few patients labs lately and noticed an occasional lack of response...
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    I certainly do not discount your symptoms, as any medication can cause various symptoms in people who take them. For example, testosterone has caused some patients to have exaggerated emotional responses causing some to have bouts of crying episodes. I was just stating my personal experience...
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Unfortunately the data is still sparse on the beneficial effects of these natural compounds so assumptions at this point are hard to make, an interesting hypothesis though.
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    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    I have not had any patients in my practice experience these symptoms from clomid that I can recall and I do have hundreds of patients on it. It could be possible but unlikely in my opinion.