Anyone can tell me that i feel burning sensation in my scrotum and i feel discomfort and minimal pain if standing or sitting for long time.... So that could be the reason for atroph in both of my testicles ??
I went to many doctors no one is able to know the real reason why it is happening... Somebody is saying stop masturbating.. Some doctors say they cant help it.... Without telling any reason...
Ok... So epididmyal cyst could be the reason for atrophy... Or i used to masturbate alot... I was masturbating frequently from last 9 years....that could be the reason???.. If i stop doing that.. Will it help... To reverse atrophy??
Vince in ultrasound it shows epididmyal cyst on top of right testicle.. So that can be reason for atrophy... My left testicle is small like a bean and right is still little big as compared to left one.. I dont know.. Why it is happening... And plz tell me more about hcg... Will it help to get...
My t hormone assay result is 5.32 ng/ml.. FSH is 13.21 mIU/ml and LH is 9.69 mIU/ml.....vince i have never taken any drug.. And i dont even take alcohol... And i didnt even took Mirjauna.. And if i dont know whether my testicles are injured or not.. If it is injured then my testicles should pain...
Hey... I am experiencing testicular atrophy in both testicles... And not a single doctor is able to detect the reason behind it. My testosterone levels are normal but then too atrophy is there. So my question is that will it help if i just take hcg to reverse atrophy..?if yes then what is the...
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