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  1. J

    Stopped Clomid Then Testicles Shrunk

    UPDATE I have not had a chance to discuss with my doc yet, but I got my labs back and wanted to share because I was surprised. It appears my estradiol is actually on the low end instead of being up like I had thought due to the abrupt stoppage of Clomid. I see my doc in the morning and will...
  2. J

    Are guys that do well on low dose clomid unicorns...or do they really exist?

    Is it possible that some other group had an interest in Androxal never becoming legal, like, say the manufacturers of testosterone cypionate? Is it possible any of those companies could influence the FDA?
  3. J

    Stopped Clomid Then Testicles Shrunk

    I get what you are saying. I should have waited to change anything until I saw my Endo, but it I couldn't get an appointment soon and did not want to wait.
  4. J

    Stopped Clomid Then Testicles Shrunk

    Thank you. I will ask my Endo about adding an AI next week. I am back to something worse than I was before because my boys always hung fully and freely until now. I really hope this is only temporary.
  5. J

    Stopped Clomid Then Testicles Shrunk

    I was prescribed 25 mg/day as an attempted restart by my Endo last November. The first several weeks were great and my T quickly soared to 923. Then I started getting the estrogen symptoms - low libido, brain fog, loss of morning wood, etc. So without consulting my Endo I dropped the...
  6. J

    40 and Considering TRT

    Thank you for all the responses. I am getting blood work drawn this week and have a follow up with my Endo next week to discuss the next step. The Clomid definitely was not for me. The blood work showed the desired rise in total and free T, but the other effects negated any benefit of that...
  7. J

    40 and Considering TRT

    I turned 40 last year. I have been borderline low for at least 3 years, maybe longer but that was the first time I had levels checked. Over these past 3 years my total T has been between 300 and 400, which usually prompted the physician to tell me I was normal. My body said otherwise though...