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  1. Vitamin_C

    Cialis Lowered Libido?

    It is compounded into the capsules I take with the Cialis and Maca.
  2. Vitamin_C

    Cialis Lowered Libido?

    I take low-dose Cialis 4mg daily with 10IU of oxytocin and maca, and my libido is surging, and my erection quality is ridiculous. I've noticed with Cialis, at least for me, a little goes a long way.
  3. Vitamin_C

    Able to wife pregnant

    42-year-old male, I have been on TRT for 10 years at 180mg/week; I have also used HCG throughout at 1000 IU/week, split into two doses. My wife and I are having our baby girl tomorrow, so it is entirely possible to conceive while on TRT; I am a big fan of utilizing HCG as well. I was prepared to...
  4. Vitamin_C

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    When it gets awful, I use the theraband for a few weeks, which usually helps a lot, with cold showers and red lights. I am not an IBU/tyelenol guy.
  5. Vitamin_C

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    I have no MRI, but I get chronic tennis/golfers elbow from lifting; I do have MRIs on my lumbar dysfunction, but that has improved by adding deadlifts and strengthening my back/hamstrings. If I want to advocate for this drug like I do for testosterone, the best thing I can do is try it for...
  6. Vitamin_C

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    I am kicking the tires on adding low-dose nandrolone or NPP to my 180mg/week TRT regiment with 1000 IU of HCG. I am thinking of adding 80mg/week of nandrolone to see if that helps some chronic bilateral elbow tendonitis. I am in the medical field (nurse practitioner), so I am very familiar with...
  7. Vitamin_C

    Going on Vacation

    I've traveled with no issues, taking my vial of testosterone with a couple of syringes.
  8. Vitamin_C

    Where to get HCG nowadays?

    I used to get it from Empower but we know the FDA clamped down on that. I've been getting Pregnyl now through my pharmacy and it went from $120 for a 6 week supply to nearly $200.
  9. Vitamin_C

    Low dose enclomiphene combined with Low dose TRT

    Same with me, I have 12.5mg at home because I was going to do a re-start to get my wife pregnant but she ended up getting pregnant anyways on TRT+HCG. I've been curious to see what taking 12.5mg of Clomid on top of my TRT regiment would be.
  10. Vitamin_C

    Decided to do a SA, fertility options?

    I am a 40M who has been on TRT for about five years. My fiance is 29 and wants to have children. I decided to get a SA done to check on my swimmers. My current protocol is 120mg of Test Cypionate/week and 1000IU of HCG/week. Motility: 16 (>=32%) pH Semen: 8.5 (7.2-8) Sperm count: 3.4 (>=15.0...
  11. Vitamin_C

    Looking for studies

    Hey guys, I am a senior graduate student for my nurse practitioner, and I am doing my DNP project on improving TRT. For my literature review section, I wondered if you guys came across any studies showing knowledge gaps with providers and patients to TRT, as we know many TRT horror stories...
  12. Vitamin_C

    Strange case at my clinic

    His sensitive E2 was low at 3.4 It was his total estrogens that were 20k. I thought Tren doesn't aromatize that much other than through prolactin pathways but its pretty dry, don't really see it causing E2 problems.
  13. Vitamin_C

    Permanent crash of estrogen?

    What they didn't mention is a process called neurogenesis, your neurons grow back, this is observable and repeatable. In Japan there was a study using Ashwaghanda which showed it helped with neurogenesis.
  14. Vitamin_C

    Permanent crash of estrogen?

    Good Lord people are still perpetuating this? Look, I have NEVER seen a permanent crash of hormones in practice, the only anecdotal accounts I've ever seen are a few from testosterone forums, there is nothing in the medical literature because we don't observe it as part of the scientific method...
  15. Vitamin_C

    Strange case at my clinic

    Greetings, I have a TRT patient at my clinic and the fellow providers nor myself can figure this out. I have a patient who had a total Estrogen level of 20,240, with a TT of 420 and FT of 12. I had the other provider to run sensitive estradiol on him and he is pitifully low at 3.4, I had them...
  16. Vitamin_C

    New thoughts on AI

    Yep, individual genetics will dictate quite a bit. I've seen patients in their mid 30's who were candidates for pacemakers who had prior anabolic use, and I've seen guys who have blasted tons of gear that don't have any cardiovascular issues. Individual genetics, lifestyle and supplementation...
  17. Vitamin_C

    New thoughts on AI

    Yeah , there isn't a whole lot of data out there with guys on TRT with high total/free testosterone and elevated estrogen. I have taken up to 600mg of Sustanon and I didn't use an AI, I felt fine. We just don't know much due to lack of studies. As long as you feel fine and your lab values aren't...
  18. Vitamin_C

    Partial blockage event in both legs!

    No, we treat many patients who have had cardiovascular events at the VA, including being on blood thinners. You would need more frequent laboratory value monitoring, however.
  19. Vitamin_C

    New thoughts on AI

    It depends on how you feel and what your other labs look like, such as lipids, hA1C, etc. If your estrogen is elevated, I would imagine we would be seeing it have an effect on some lab values.
  20. Vitamin_C

    New thoughts on AI

    Elevated estrogen levels prevalence of T2DM, especially in aging patients despite testosterone levels. Circulating Estrone Levels Are Associated Prospectively With Diabetes Risk in Men of the Framingham Heart Study
  21. Vitamin_C

    New thoughts on AI

    Its really up to how you feel and what the labs are telling you. Some men will aromatize more than others, particularly obese men. AI's should be used if there are overtly high E2 symptoms in conjunction with grossly elevated E2 numbers. Elevated estrogen is harmful to men and women, but the...
  22. Vitamin_C

    Joints cracking, pain etc

    Joint cracking is a normal physiological finding that happens to most people, and also has a psychosomatic component. The more you dwell on it, the more you are aware of it occurring.
  23. Vitamin_C

    Is HCG enough to backfill pathways?

    You know I was wondering this, taking HCG myself, if the compounded stuff was as good as pregnyl and I don't think it is. My testicles also don't seem as plump on 1000 IU a week. I think I'm going to go to the pharmacy and get Pregnyl next refill and stop messing around with the compounded...
  24. Vitamin_C

    Still trying to find libido

    Erections and libido rely on many different variables besides androgens. You can have low T and still have great libido/erections, you can have high T and have low libido and poor erections.
  25. Vitamin_C

    Why Can't I Tolerate TRT From a Mental Standpoint?

    It certainly is interesting and I attribute methylation to most peoples mystery issues with well being. For me, I am slow COMT and slow MAO, I've had issues with anxiety and worry, but never depression. My highs are also very high. It is VERY complicated and you're right, most allopathic doctors...
  26. Vitamin_C

    Deca (nandrolone) added to trt and wow!!

    I am just curious how some docs get away with prescribing it. I am somewhat interested in a low-dose Deca, but the LVH has me spooked a bit and it is also very suppressive to HPTA axis and remains in your system for a long time. If you have to get off TRT, that Deca is only going to prolong your...
  27. Vitamin_C

    Why Can't I Tolerate TRT From a Mental Standpoint?

    I believe TRT increases COMT which will make you burn through your neurotransmitters quicker. If you are a fast COMT, you are going to further burn through your dopamine and serotonin. I am a slow COMT, so I tend to hold on to serotonin and dopamine, so I would hypothesize TRT would work better...
  28. Vitamin_C

    Jealous Rage on TRT?

    Othello syndrome? Lecithin? this sounds more like a hypochondriac than anything else.
  29. Vitamin_C

    Autoimmune Issues & TRT: Any Input Welcome

    Make sure you are supplementing with Vitamin D3 as well as probiotics.
  30. Vitamin_C

    Antidepressants, Propecia and Accutane Can Cause Permanent Sexual Dysfunction

    I took accutane when I was 16 for about 4-6 months. I experienced zero issues other than dry face and lips. My libido was absolutely phenomenal and so was my mood. No negative effects during or after accutane. I do not believe I needed to be on the drug as my acne was only moderate, but its only...
  31. Vitamin_C

    Jealous Rage on TRT?

    I've seen higher doses of Testosterone and anabolic steroids do stuff like this, but not therapeutic levels of testosterone.