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    Hallandale Pharmacy

    I don't buy the 1ml overfill statement about Hallandale, before switching to low dead space syringes I would run out 2 weeks to my refill date, now even with them I barely make it
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    test 720, what now?

    Main symptom, Not able to build muscle or lose fat: Is it possible the effort you put into your workouts is lacking?
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    DEFY INJECTION DOSING: Running Out of Test too Soon

    Thanks for the input guys, I will definitely switch to the new syringes.
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    DEFY INJECTION DOSING: Running Out of Test too Soon

    I've always used a 27ga. on a 3ml syringe but was unaware of the low dead space syringe until recently. When I questioned them about always running short they told me that Hallandale does overfill, but if that is true i shouldn't be running out. I will definitly start using the low dead space...
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    DEFY INJECTION DOSING: Running Out of Test too Soon

    your right it's .35 x 23 = 8.05
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    DEFY INJECTION DOSING: Running Out of Test too Soon

    I currently take 3.5ml of cyp. every 3.5 days. At this dosing they tell me I will get 28 shots, however allowing for what is lost in the tip of the syringe which i found out to be .084ml. So after 23 shots at 3.5ml I've used 8.05ml and lost 1.9ml in the tip. Now my 10ml of test is gone and they...
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    Estradiol and Sexual Performance?

    MountainMan, for me when my estrogen gets high I have a kind of pressure headache, my face feels flush and I feel irritable. Your T levels seem great for 100mg a week more importantly its how you feel. You can google RUI products, I found out about them from someone on this site but it's very...
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    Clomid Testimonial

    50mg a day is very high, you can more than likely expect your estrogen to skyrocket, the DIM isn't very helpful. I started TRT with clomid therapy and yes it increased my test but more so my estrogen. It was a constant yoyo effect, you may have bettter results.
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    1 month TRT at 250mg enanthate & now i have bad insomnia & Anxiety

    I also had problems sleeping when i first started TRT, but my body eventually adjusted to the changes. It takes time to get things worked out, a 250mg blast all at once is probably a jolt to your system. Most of us use a smaller amount (60 t0 100mg twice a week) it produces more natural and...
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    Estradiol and Sexual Performance?

    Mountainman, great to hear at 60 you and your wife are still at it. I'm 50 and still have great sex drive but wonder how much longer i can expect my wife stay interested. As far as the estrogen levels I have adverse effects when its to low or to high, I've found that when i feel the effects of...
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    Why Clomid Fails: The Zuclomiphene Threshold

    I had a pretty good first couple of weeks but then my mood became a roller coaster and it felt like a constant headache, It did its job increasing my total T/LH / FSH /free T but also raised my SHBG. I was on clomid for a little over 3 mos. but couldn't take the mood or headaches any longer. I...
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    What do you do for maintaining size?

    Paul-E, If you are at a point where you can't handle heavy weights without pain or risking injury by all means go to a higher rep lower weight routine. Just get your muscles to exhaustion however you can, it will definitely make more of a difference than not going at all.
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    why am i sore, elbow, left rist, right shoulder?

    roadglide, also back to the point of your pains, maybe try sticking to machines, they are not as hard on the joints. Have you tried any supplementation for joint issues, ( fish oil, glucosamine etc. )
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    why am i sore, elbow, left rist, right shoulder?

    Roadglide, this is my "old man workout, it's basic no frills but at our age it still keeps my build in tact. 3 days a week - mon - weds - fri. plenty of time for recovery and the rest of life. Mon- chest, shoulders, triceps - 3 excercises/3 sets each ( bench, dumbbell incline, pec deck...
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    why am i sore, elbow, left rist, right shoulder?

    if you don't want to spend six days a week in the gym just combine combine 2 bodyparts into one workout. People who aren't hardcore tend to burn out trying to get to the gym that often.
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    why am i sore, elbow, left rist, right shoulder?

    Being 50 also and pumping iron for 35yrs I've realized there is no magic workout to get ripped or build muscle. Consistency is the key and you will find what your body responds best to. Some people are just more ripped or muscular than others no matter what workout they use. I myself still find...
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    Dhea results ?

    I'm looking at giving DHEA a try. Although I can find plenty of info on it ranging from awesome to snake oil, what kind of results have you guys had or not had and what would be the most effective dosing.
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    This YouTube Video Shows How a Doctor Can Mess You Up

    The insurance companies are just wading through the nonsense forced on them be our imposing govt. B.S.
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    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    I used these to start with but you go through them fast, for the money & ease your better off getting the powder form from nutrakey or another top grade brand
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    Is long term HCG use detrimental?

    Re-ride you've obviously got a lot of skin in this game, love the passion
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    Freaking out... Dr's office called me and told me to come in ASAP

    right on vince carter, nothings free in big govt
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    Is long term HCG use detrimental?

    Re-ride, I know about the trails of bodybuilder steroid cycles I've been there years ago, and I suggested the "right Dr." would try a restart. Not knowing age or circumstance, I'm stating that generally if a person needs TRT their not going be 10years into it and think hey lets try a restart, at...
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    Is long term HCG use detrimental?

    Someone on long term TRT already has a compromised hormonal system and with the right doctor has already went through the process of a jumpstart. Once a lifelong replacement protocol is in place it's irrelevant if longterm HCG use is detrimental to restarting your system because there is no...
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    Freaking out... Dr's office called me and told me to come in ASAP

    Canada, I've got concerned calls from my doctor after blood tests. one was because of a high glucose reading which is a sign of a diabetes issue, the reason for the high reading was that I did not fast before the test,so a false alarm. The second was a high creatinine level which indicates...
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    Ugh ! new blood work... Frustrated

    Don't know anything about Gordon, but Dr. Crisler is top notch.
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    Ugh ! new blood work... Frustrated

    80mg per week is pretty low, you may want to double that
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    Switched Dr's and now feeling AMAZING.....yet confused

    your test levels taken only 4 days after a 200mg shot will be high but should taper off toward the end off that week, your at the high end of natural range but not that high to worry about, I'd like to be in that range myself. We really need range values to make a call on the estro but puffy or...
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    My experience. Now what ?? Any advice welcome.

    Anabaptist, You should get with a TRT specialist, I know a lot of us push Defy but that's because we've already tried the route your on now. They will give you a phlebotomy script which will help your hematocrit problem and set you up on the proper protocol. I've been impressed with their...
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    Woman writes negative articles about TRT to help lawyers

    ignoring things wont make them go away it only allows them to continue uninhibited,
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    Stopped Clomid Then Testicles Shrunk

    you'll need to plan on spending 3 to 6 months trying to work out this clomid thing, it will increase you total T but it is also going to increase your E2 and SHBG which will eat up your free T gains. Trying to tune this in with an AI will take some time. I couldn't take the mood swings and...
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    Billion dollar moon shot cancer cure proposed by Obama

    my insurance cost doubled thanks to OBAMA care. that's how it became more affordable for some