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  1. Lancealot

    Priapus shot

    Interesting. I live in the Columbus area and have heard the commercial for "mens clinic". Thanks for the heads up.
  2. Lancealot

    Exercise Apathy

    ^^^ Good advice. By all means if you are new to the gym, find a personal trainer.
  3. Lancealot

    Exercise Apathy

    I know when I started TRT I gained weight, 10# or so pretty quickly. Took a couple months for my body to adjust to the new hormones and stabilize. I know for me in my 40's now, I have had to really cut back calories to see any weight loss. I have always been a lifter since teen years and the...
  4. Lancealot

    Peak and Trough variation...

    I'm on a 3.5 day schedule tue am and fri pm 50mg tcyp and mine test over 1500 till the day of injection (trough) its usually around 900(ish). My shbg runs middle to high on the scale.
  5. Lancealot

    Recovery Time When You Get Older

    ^^^ agree with this. I'm 43 as well and lifting since teen also and don't recover like I did in my 20's or 30's. TRT has def helped in this area. My Dad is in his 70's and still lifting weights but has had to allow for more recovery time.
  6. Lancealot

    LabCorp Testosterone > 1500

    Here is why your total T is so high. You tested on wed instead of thur before injection. That would give you a trough reading. I made the same mistake before. Just have blood drawn on the day of next injection before injection.
  7. Lancealot

    Lipid profile

    Just a suggestion, I would read the book "The great cholesterol myth". You can read a short review of it in the book section of this forum. Really opened my eyes to the "facts" that we have been fed on cholesterol and especially statins. Best of luck
  8. Lancealot

    HGH Juvetrope

    Hey guys, Got an email today with info for Juvetrope hgh. I don't know much about it but it looks legit. If anyone is interested you can check it out at Looks like 10x10iu with ba water for 299$. That seems awful cheap for real hgh.
  9. Lancealot

    How to get HGH prescribed

    I just got an email today with info for Juvetrope hgh. Looks legit, not cheap but for real hgh seems fairly cheap. The web site is I'm kinda interested in this but need to do some more research.
  10. Lancealot

    Nutri Bullet NBR-12 12-Piece Hi-Speed Blender/Mixer System

    I got a ninja for Christmas and have yet to use it but you guys make it sound so good im gonna have to try it soon. I think its a 900 watt.
  11. Lancealot

    The great Cholesterol Myth

    Without a doubt its worth your time to read. Let us know what you think of it.
  12. Lancealot

    Use of "Glandulars"; Pituitary

    I remember "back in the day" reading the body building mags that most all the pros took glandular products. Not sure how much effect they had really, but I know a lot of them swore by them. Interesting you don't really see these pushed anymore. I would be curious to see if there is any real...
  13. Lancealot

    Do you always get sore after working out?

    I almost always get sore from chest work, tricep work and back work, especially from chin-ups with a good stretch at the bottom of the rep. I love heavy dumb bell incline presses for chest which will get me sore every time. Protein will help with recovery as im sure you know this.
  14. Lancealot

    The great Cholesterol Myth

    Well I ended up ordering and reading this book. Very informative. You def won't get this knowledge from most docs. I would highly recommend this book for anyone that is sweating there cholesterol numbers and anyone taking a statin or contemplating taking one.
  15. Lancealot

    Went and saw the Doc...Question

    I'm in kind of the same boat as you. I have a doc who prescribed 200mg T once per week. After much reading on here I set up my own schedule and just use doc to get meds and run labs. I settled on 50mg 2xweek and 170iu hcg 2xweek. But as was said, it would be better to have a knowledgeable doc...
  16. Lancealot

    Mixing HCG

    Hmm ok. I have 1ml/1cc and .5ml/.5cc syringes I use to inject hcg. If I mix 3500iu/3.5ml bac water and draw to the 17 ml on the 1cc syringe that would be 170iu correct? And if I draw to the 17ml on the .5cc syringe its still 170iu correct? Now if I mix 3500iu/7ml bac water and draw to 32ml on...
  17. Lancealot

    Mixing HCG

    Hey guys, Got a question about mixing hcg. I get mine from aps pharmacy in florida and they send instructions with the order that say: for 3500iu to mix 3.5ml bac water. My actual prescription says to mix 7ml bac water in vial. So now I'm wondering which one to do. This is for a 3500iu bottle...
  18. Lancealot

    9 Week Bloods after starting Defy

    Got it. Guess the .4ml threw me off as most guys just list it as 80mg 2x wk.
  19. Lancealot

    Trt question

    Have you made any lifestyle changes recently? Diet, supplements?
  20. Lancealot

    9 Week Bloods after starting Defy

    How much is .4ml as in mg? Only 35iu hcg 2x week?
  21. Lancealot

    40 and Considering TRT

    Hi and welcome, I cant speak to the clomid, as I've no experience with it, but I can almost say without a doubt you wont be able to get your T levels up enough naturally to feel like you did 20yrs ago. I tried and it didn't happen. I'm turning 43 next week and couldn't be more pleased with my...
  22. Lancealot

    Labs cost from Labcorp/ insurance

    I guess they mark it up because they know the insurance will negotiate them down to pennies on the dollar. I like the service and convenience of labcorp and have no complaints about service.
  23. Lancealot

    Labs cost from Labcorp/ insurance

    I agree they are everywhere and convenient. I was simply stating what they would charge someone walking in with no insurance. Thank goodness I have insurance, if not I would use discountlabs through nelson. To me $1816 is a bit much for bloodwork to charge someone.
  24. Lancealot

    Struggling with low T for years, finally going to fix it

    Word of caution, stay away from LowT center in Dublin. No hcg and 1 T injection per week.
  25. Lancealot

    Labs cost from Labcorp/ insurance

    Hi all, I just received my EOB (explanation of benefits) from my insurance for my latest labs. It list what labcorp charges insurance and what they agree to accept in payment. I had panel of 12 tests that totaled $1,816.00! Long story short, Labcorp agreed to accept $146.32 from insurance and...
  26. Lancealot

    The great Cholesterol Myth

    Appreciate the review Mojave! Will be ordering this or see if my library has it.
  27. Lancealot

    Struggling with low T for years, finally going to fix it

    Welcome nwolfe88, I live in NW ohio and get treatment in cbus (hilliard actually) from a nurse practitioner. Let us know if you decide to seek care from bodylogic. Best of luck to you and this is a great forum, I have learned a ton and you will as well.
  28. Lancealot

    Potatoes vs white rice

    I say go for the potatoes. I eat the whole thing, casing and all. Full of vitamins and minerals. As you mentioned you're trying to gain weight anyway. A little butter is not going to kill you either and will make it taste much better :)
  29. Lancealot

    The great Cholesterol Myth

    I am interested in taking a look at this book. What did you think of it? Worth reading?