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  1. Gianluca Bonetti

    Sodium, Potassium. Chloride going on the low side after two months on Magnesium?

    I started NAC and Ubiquinol about two months a go, I saw a drop in LDL for sure, but no changes in HDL, I do cardio 3 times a week 30mn each time as well
  2. Gianluca Bonetti

    Sodium, Potassium. Chloride going on the low side after two months on Magnesium?

    I see, so, if I understand well, even I if I take lots of Magnesium everyday the body will adjust electrolytes levels as needed it, and possibly eating lots of Sodium or been on TRT and retaining more of it as well, would not impact these levels, right?
  3. Gianluca Bonetti

    Sodium, Potassium. Chloride going on the low side after two months on Magnesium?

    sorry that pics really doesn't want to upload straight up
  4. Gianluca Bonetti

    Sodium, Potassium. Chloride going on the low side after two months on Magnesium?

    I'm actually wondering if these numbers need a slight change in the diet or they are fine, I started using Magnesium supplement about 600mg a day, sometime even 800mg, and I saw a drop on levels of those other minerals, especially potassium and sodium, below the two BW, one is LabCorp reference...
  5. Gianluca Bonetti

    Need fish oil recommendation

    interesting Nelson about LDL and NAC, I had a blood work last week, my LDL improve quiet something, I thought it was because I added 200mg of Ubiquinol, but also NAC! thank you for reminding me about that
  6. Gianluca Bonetti

    Need fish oil recommendation

    I got to know LifeExtention actually not much long a go, and they are amazing, I mean, consumer service amaze me, I use the "two per day" Multivitamin Vince recommended me, I love the formulation with the Vit Bs on the active form, $20 for two months! unbeatable
  7. Gianluca Bonetti

    Need fish oil recommendation

    that is what I wanted to go with as well, expensive though, I like 2:1 EPA/DHA ratio, the Omega RX extra liquid, 3gr a day for 48days are $67 on, I have to say despite EE form that Doctor Sears offer, they have an excellent costumer service, I always speak with same people and they...
  8. Gianluca Bonetti

    Need fish oil recommendation

    interesting video, I'm assuming that is the Ethanol molecule corroding the plastic cup, although that Natures Bounty Fish oil doesn't really look good to me, the EE form from Zone Labs looks crystal clear with out any type of smell, you should be doing a comparison with a high quality FO, but...
  9. Gianluca Bonetti

    Need fish oil recommendation

    based on my research TG is best absorbed over a small period of time, while a continuing administration of Ethyl Ester will give same omega 3 saturation of TG but in more time, so if you take FO same dose everyday forever I think it is ok
  10. Gianluca Bonetti

    Need fish oil recommendation

    I believed that too after researching, so i decided to switch to Nordic Naturals, planning to get 3gr and I changed my mind because the price, I just made an order today with ZoneLabs, I have been using this fish oil for over 3 years I believe, what do you use Vince?
  11. Gianluca Bonetti

    Need fish oil recommendation

    what do you guys think about this? they compare EE vs TG form, if I understands well there is not really a big difference
  12. Gianluca Bonetti

    shortness of breath/fatigue when H&H in range??

    Chris I was looking at sodium and potassium been on the low side, what do you think about that? I had a EKG ECG today and everything is super fine, I need to keep an eye on BP that is all, Doc is sending me to a pulmonary specialist, just to double check I didn't develop some form of Asthma
  13. Gianluca Bonetti

    How long to start feeling Cabergoline working?

    after two weeks I think Caber is working pretty well!
  14. Gianluca Bonetti

    shortness of breath/fatigue when H&H in range??

    you know, I was actually looking at the blood glucose, I thought it was on the low side but Doc did not tell me anything about it so I thought it was nothing major, this blood drawn was done about 5:30pm so about 3H 30mn after I ate, do you believe is not that normal having that blood glucose...
  15. Gianluca Bonetti

    shortness of breath/fatigue when H&H in range??

    that is what my primary told me, at that number I shouldn't have these symptoms...not sure what to say, maybe my body can't take more then 48 or so,
  16. Gianluca Bonetti

    shortness of breath/fatigue when H&H in range??

    Absolutely, my neck and around clavicular area become reddish, I had donated I believe about a month and half a go and I felt better afterwords, this time instead I will lower dose from 0,35ml 3 x week to 0,3ml, or so, 3 x week and my primary already sent a RX for CPAP macchine, I have a BW...
  17. Gianluca Bonetti

    shortness of breath/fatigue when H&H in range??

    Hemoglobin is 16.9 on a scale 13.2 /17.1 Hematocrit 49.4 on a scale 38.5/ 50.0
  18. Gianluca Bonetti

    shortness of breath/fatigue when H&H in range??

    it seems that when my Hemoglobin and Hematocrit get to the upper end I start having shortness of breath fatigue some type of dizzy, in a pronounced way when I exercising for sure, my face and neck become red, and I can't even lay down to do an exercise that I become super reddish, I went for a...
  19. Gianluca Bonetti

    How long to start feeling Cabergoline working?

    yes for sure, I have a blood work in about 6 weeks and I will keep things the same for now
  20. Gianluca Bonetti

    How long to start feeling Cabergoline working?

    I believe I feel much smother and quicker with my moments and with my thinking, I feel pretty happy overall, better mood, maybe some more sex drive, but nothing new with libido, I would give it some more time, then I would actually stop to see any differences, cause about a month a go I lowered...
  21. Gianluca Bonetti

    low SHBG guy, free T high, too much medication or SHBG creates imbalances?

    interesting, although I believe we would talk about low SHBG before TRT as a marker for cardiovascular, unfortunately I tested SHBG while on TRT
  22. Gianluca Bonetti

    low SHBG guy, free T high, too much medication or SHBG creates imbalances?

    I lately added Cabergoline cause prolactin was a bit high, and 3 injections weekly with same dose, in terms of sex drive energy libido, seem to be working well, sometime I think too well that I could start having sexual fantasy/erection just looking at a girl, I just have this issue with...
  23. Gianluca Bonetti

    low SHBG guy, free T high, too much medication or SHBG creates imbalances?

    very interesting the fact about Clomid in increasing SHBG, only way to see if that can work for us would be try it
  24. Gianluca Bonetti

    low SHBG guy, free T high, too much medication or SHBG creates imbalances?

    I was on 0,5ml x 2 weekly and switching to 0,35ml x 3 weekly didn't really make any difference to me, I'm speculating more freq injection may not work for me as well, but I should try, what is your protocol now?
  25. Gianluca Bonetti

    low SHBG guy, free T high, too much medication or SHBG creates imbalances?

    did you notice any difference from 2 x week and 3 x week? I switched about 6 months a go from 2 x to 3 x and It didn't really make any difference, on paper neither, what made difference is daily HCG for me, but like everybody says I should give it a try to every day injection
  26. Gianluca Bonetti

    Creatine intramuscular water retention + TRT water retention and elevated HCT in hot weather

    Hi Will! just saw not long time a go your video about Creatine Whey protein and bullet proof coffee, really enjoyed it
  27. Gianluca Bonetti

    Creatine intramuscular water retention + TRT water retention and elevated HCT in hot weather

    We could conclude that water retention from taking creatine would not increase BP or HCT due to TRT, correct? although I have seen some concern about taking creatine in a hot/humid weather due to dehydration, which, I believe when we have elevated HCT and blood pressure due to TRT, won't do a...
  28. Gianluca Bonetti

    Creatine intramuscular water retention + TRT water retention and elevated HCT in hot weather

    If I read the title of the post I'm writing I feel it is a good mix for something bad, is it right? creatine cause intramuscular water retention, so if i'm understanding well, this has nothing to do with elevating blood pressure that water retention from TRT may cause correct? I have read...
  29. Gianluca Bonetti

    low SHBG guy, free T high, too much medication or SHBG creates imbalances?

    last BW SHBG was 12.5, Doc suggested me already to go for everyday injection, but I can't think of injecting every day IM, I tried subQ before and I couldn't take it for more then two weeks, I just felt crashing everything