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  1. P

    A must read on Statins.

    Statins shown to extend life by mere days and not good ones. I got this Email this morning from Dr. Mercola a dam good read. Eye-Opening Finding: Statins Extend Life by This Mere Number of Days Phil
  2. P

    More bad info about Statins

    What can I say Statin Drugs crippled me after being saved having heart bypass. Hear is a must read. e Most Profitable Pill in Medical History Is Based on Flawed Science e Most Profitable Pill in Medical History Is Based on Flawed Science pmgamer18
  3. P

    A Copy of A Post I just made

    Hi All, This is a copy of a post I just sent a member at my forum. _________________________________________________________________ Hi bstee, I am hypopituitary due to a head injury I never felt good on TRT untill I found a new better Dr. and he started a little at a time treating all my...
  4. P

    Hemp Seed Oil

    After the passing of the farm act and seeing this new news letter from Dr. Mercola and talking to my cardiologist who says he has half his patients on it. I got some been on it a few weeks and I find I feel much better on it. Phil
  5. P

    Estradiol Obsession

    Hi all, After yrs. of being mod for low T I need help on E2 testing in the last few labs we did both the Estradiol test and the sensitive Estradiol. The reg. Estradiol comes back high above the top of the range the sensitive test shows below normal. I have Peripheral Neuropathy from...