Search results

  1. C

    Compound Cream and the swimming pool

    Curious as to if I have my compound cream on when I get in swimming pool if it could transfer to others in the pool?
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    More focus when off TRT

    I seem to be able to focus more at work the further away I get from my last injection. If I stop injecting for 3 -4 weeks I seem to have much more focus at work while the day of and the next few days after my injection my mind seems to be all over the place and less able to focus. This is...
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    Sleep Apnea - Injections vs Cream

    Are injections more likely to cause or increase sleep apnea issues than cream?
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    Sleep Apnea and TRT delivery methods

    Does type of delivery method have any impact on potential sleep apnea issues? Meaning do injections potentially increase risk of developing or worsening sleep apnea vs other methods such as creams?
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    Several years back I had high TSH (6.2) but normal T3 and T4. My Dr said he could prescribe levothyroxine and see if I felt any better even though I really wasn't feeling bad. Really felt no difference but stayed on it anyway. Now years later I am on testosterone and feel great other than still...
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    Risk of Transference with cream

    There are various reports of transference issues when using cream or gel. Some say risk is very low while others say it is high. How long after applying cream is there still risk for transference or is there always a risk regardless of time past until you wash the area? Also if you apply and...
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    Numbers look decent but ....

    Switched to compound cream 200mg about 2 months ago from injections. Using 3 clicks in the am (1 to scrotum and 2 on shoulders). Libido is good . Numbers are great, even better than injections but feeling extremely tired and unmotivated. Total T - 1230 (300 - 1000) Free T - 305 (46 - 224)...
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    Curious as to if anyone is currently using or has used Xyosted and if so what was their experience with it.
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    subcutaneous injection into stomach

    Is 80mg injected into my belly every 4th day to much? Meaning is 80mg to much to inject at one time into belly?
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    Transfer concerns with Cream

    I have recently switched to compound cream from Empower, 200mg using 4 clicks in morning with 2 applied to scrotum and 2 to my side. I am happy with the results so far however my wife has started to complain of acne issues which has generally not been a problem for her in the past. Therefore I...
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    Hypothyroidism drugs and ED

    Is anyone aware of the drug levothyroxine causing ED? Levothyroxine is a drug for treating hypothyroidism.
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    Compound cream vs Injections for hair loss

    For those of you who have used both compound cream and injections - which has caused you to lose hair faster?
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    Anyone use Androgel anymore?
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    Cream causing night time urination?

    All - I have been on cream for the last 4 weeks after being on injections mostly for several years. I have noticed since going on cream that I wake up 3 -4 times a night to pee which I never had to do while on injections. Is there a reason for this? Does cream cause you to pee more for some...
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    Clinics for injections

    I know it is unpopular on these forums but for those of you who do go to clinics such as the Low T Center for once a week shots - are you still going during these Coronavirus times?
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    Falling asleep almost immediately after injection

    Sleepy to the point of falling asleep at my desk almost immediately after getting injection - 160 per week. Couple days later feel fine. Any ideas why so tired right after injection??
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    Feeling on cream vs injections

    I have used both creams and injections. When on injections I feel a jittery nervous kind of feeling while on cream I feel more calm / relaxed. Anyone else experience this or have any thoughts on why this might be?
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    self injecting vs going to Men's clinic for injections

    are you self injecting at home or going to Men's Clinic for weekly injections?
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    Once a week injections

    I keep reading on these type of forums that once a week injections is not very good and you should inject at least twice a week. If this is true than why are there so many of these Low T Center type places popping up everywhere that endorse once a week injections. I am seeing more and more of...
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    Cream Injection Combo

    I know I have seen posts from folks using combination of compound cream and injections. Those who are - are you applying cream every day?
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    Do I Have to Stop TRT Because of High Hematocrit?

    My Hematocrit measured at 53.9 with range being 37-49. Dr has asked me to get a phlebotomy which I will do in 3 days. In the meantime do I need to stop using my testosterone cream? I hate to do that because I am actually feeling real good.
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    Compound Cream application

    For those of you using compound cream do you apply once or twice a day and where?
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    Cream causing irregular heartbeat?

    Have made 2 attempts to switch from one weekly injections to compound cream however each time I do I develop an irregular heartbeat within the first 3 - 4 days of using the cream. Do you think the cream itself could actually be causing this or could it be just my body adjusting to something new...
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    Cream vs Androgel

    For those of you who have tried both which one to you have most success with - Androgel or Compounded Cream?
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    Hematocrit levels

    At what level does your Dr require you to donate blood and on average how often to you end up donating?
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    How often to inject?

    Is once a week no longer considered best approach? It seems like I am seeing more folks on this and other forums moving away from once a week injections to 2 or more times a week. Is once a week no longer the most typical time frame?
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    Compound Cream causing dizziness

    Started compound cream couple weeks ago after being on injections for several years and experiencing some dizziness. Could this be a side effect of the cream and if so will it pass over time? Has anyone else expreienced any side effects from using cream?
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    Injection vs Topical - Cholesterol

    Just back from Dr and cholesterol numbers not good. I am currently on injections but thought I read some where that topical was better for your cholesterol numbers than injections. Is this correct?
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    Help understanding new Compound Cream strength

    I just recieved my first prescription for Testosterone Compounded cream. Descripton says: Testosterone (30ML) 200 MG / ML. Apply 4 clicks (1ML). As best I can figure out this means it is 20% cream which I think would mean 200mg per day vs. 81mg when I was doing 4 pumps of Androgel 1.62. Am I...
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    Gel transference to pets

    I know this has likely been asked before but what are chances of my gel being passed on to my dog?
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    Hematocrit levels on Gel vs Injections

    Is there a greater risk of elevated Hematocrit levels with weekly injections than there would be with using Gels daily?