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    Rev For Men Mobile Mens Sexual Health Clinic

    A report of initial telephone contact and web site review. The quality of care has not been assessed. edit: The web site actually does offer basic insight on TRT and there is assurance that patients are treated by symptom resolution rather than chasing after numbers. I am updating the...
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    Preparation for ACTH Aldosterone and Cosybtropin tests?

    Advice on why these tests were ordered and how to prepare for them will be appreciated. Future Orders Date Expected Expires ACTH, PLASMA ALDOSTERONE CORTISOL, BASELINE CORTISOL, POST STIMULATION RENIN ACTVITY, PLASMA Follow-Up Return Friday 4/27/18 Nurse only...
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    Self treating 18 months by symptom resolution only - lab confirmation

    trough on 2x weekly protocol t cyp IM , draw 4/13/2018. My endo: "Your Free T is way to high" He always says that. Too high for what? Hematocrit came down on its own from the month prior. No phlebotomy. IMO one can hit fairly close to where they need to be by feel alone. Granted, E2 is...
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    The LabCorp Experience: Then and Now

    Or, LabCorp: You think it was fun last time? Wait until you see what we have in store for you today! Or. So you miss the Greatest Show on Earth, the now defunct Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey? No fear LabCorp now operates a Circus in nearly every town available daily and replete with...
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    march labs

    March Labs. Red Blood Cell Count 5.74 M/uL 4.40 - 6.00 M/uL Hemoglobin 18.1 g/dL 13.5 - 18.0 g/dL H Hematocrit 53.7 % 40.0 - 52.0 % H MCV 94 fL 80 - 100 fL MCH 31.5 pg 27.0 - 33.0 pg MCHC 33.7 g/dL 31.0 - 36.0 g/dL RDW 13.9 % <16.4 % Platelet Count 170 K/uL 150 - 400 K/uL...
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    Traumatic Stress widely overlook in health evaluations

    We see many threads here of members dealing with what may be symptoms of stress rather than side effects of their medication. Stress that is symptomatic and on going is TSD, related to PTSD. Quality of life is diminished, interpersonal relations suffer. In our highly competitive fast paced...
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    Volcanism associated 22% faster progression to Low T and AIDS

    127 of 894 newly diagnosed HIV infections in the last year have already progressed to full blown AIDS in the Philippines. 69% were diagnosed with low T.
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    Stereo isomers of Alpha Lipoic Acid

    Most alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is offered in the L isomeric form (L-ALA). The R form (R-ALA) is considerably more expensive and often labeled as "R-Lipoic" I have used L-ALA for several years with noteworthy neurocog benefit. I take it in combination with ALC and NAC. R-ALA has seen little...
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    Gad(n)oLinium: Chuck Norris takes on the Medical Imaging Barons, FDA finally calls for warnings

    "Stay calm and keep still while we pump this nice koolaid through your brain". "There's a tall glass of cool Fiji water waiting so you pee it all out". Chuck Norris and his wife Gena file suit against the barons of greed...
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    Novarel branded hCG "strength" has changed - Get your Rx written correctly

    Or, Another Day at the Circus: ------------------------------------------- edit: "Wherever your goal is failure, introduce an excess of complexity to the system" problem: An incorrectly written Rx gives the pharmacist an excuse not to fill it while also confusing the pt. solution: Ask your...
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    Up to 2% of cancers may be caused by medical imaging

    ["A National Institute of Cancer study estimated that up to 2% of cancers are caused by medical imaging"] A story published by USAToday, which lacks citations, cautions us...
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    Labcorp test number for T>1200?

    Is there a list of labcorp test numbers on these pages? The labcorp site lists several lc ms ms T tests however I can not find one with range greater than 1197.
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    Labs 120 days in to retrograde

    Last labs in November, which were textbook perfect, documented remarkable progress in two years of healthy diet and lifestyle and self guided care. In no particular order here are few accomplishments after only 120 days of trading real food ,whey, aminos, supplements for 7-11 sandwich of the...
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    Zinc supplementation and MRI exam with contrast dye

    Zinc supplementation is popular with men including many on TRT . Those who have an MRI planned which includes the use of a contrast dye may wish to stop taking the zinc in advance of the exam. Patients are told the dye is safe because the...
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    The self care option: Taking charge

    Quality endocrine care is essentially non-existent just like quality care for almost anything else in the U.S. There are only a handful excellent MD's in the U.S. A review of complaints on these pages from members is all the proof one needs that unless one assumes responsibility for his...
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    unusually high free testosterone - 5 months in to t-cyp + hCG

    Comments requested on this very high free T from last weeks labs. SBGH was not done. Refer to Jan 01 labs below. No AI used. Testosterone Total 250 - 1100 ng/dL 1133 (H) Testosterone Free 35.0 - 155.0 pg/mL 325.4 (H) (1) The calculator requires SBGH to calculate %. I forget if I need to...
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    How to buy supplements and not get scammed - Post your ideas/sources here

    Excel-Mates please post your favorite suppliers here along with your comments on quality, price , delivery and customer service. Let's start by example with L-Glutamine which is one of the most highly recommended aminos regardless of your age or goal. It is typically consumed by the teaspoon...
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    FDA: New labeling requirements: More stigma for TRT Bad reporting from WebMD "FDA WARNS OF DANGERS FROM TESTOSTERONE SUPPLEMENTS" WebMD blares out No its not Tribulus, Horny Goat or Maca. In fact the latest fear mongering from the FDA isn't about any supplement at all don't...
  19. R - powders aminos whey and supplements

    MyProtein claims to be U.K.'s No.1 in sports nutrition and is expanding in to the U.S. market. Labdoor gives their Iso Pro 97 whey, Impact whey isolate and Impact whey high scores for quality and price. #1, #2 and #4 respectively. Range: The range of products is quite large. Selection...
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    TRT: A strategy for the growing legions of aged homeless in New Deal America

    The council on whether to begin TRT or not is a commitment to lifetime use. With the exception of select challenged populations hosing security has traditionally not been a widespread issue in the U.S. As the housing crisis reverberates up and down the West Coast we are beginning to see...
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    An introduction to Amino Acids and immune fuction Aminos 101, The basics on aminos and immune function. "Controlled Amino Acid Treatment (CAAT), a purely nutritional approach to targeting cancerous cells... ... reduces the amount of certain amino acids such as glycine which are necessary for DNA...
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    Association: Animal vs Plant protein and all cause mortality Published 8/1/16 JAMA [ "131&#8239;342 participants, 85&#8239;013 were women (64.7%) and 46&#8239;329 were men (35.3%) (mean [SD] age, 49 [9] years). The median protein intake, as assessed by percentage of energy, was 14% for animal protein (5th-95th...
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    IOC reaches back 8 years to slam athletes using stored samples

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    Linking Steroid use to violent deranged behavior: Orlando Pulse mass murder

    According to Bill Chappell, reporter for NPR, the ex-wife of the man accused of murdering 50 inside the Orlando night club on Sunday has publicly linked "steroid use", "physical abuse" and "controlling behavior" to the suspected perpetrator of the most horrific mass shooting yet to occur on...
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    Bulletin shortages: Testosterone cypionate and hCG. Source: D.I.S. University of Utah, May 25

    Pfizer and Paddock cypionate preparations for injection ARE available. Please read this before continuing: It's not unusual for certain brands to become unavailable. ASHP is a convenient source to check availability and track trends...
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    Are persons with HIV worthy of cancer prevention diagnoses and treatment?

    A good friend of mine, a healthy husky contractor named Jim Kennedy needed a liver. Jim was the kind of guy that would do anything for anyone in need. He fed the homeless and needy not only on Thanksgiving but all year long. He lifted guys out of poverty by offering them work and teaching them...
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    NAC attack: n-acetyl-cysteine Is it safe? hypoxia, PAH, pulnonary danger

    Blood pressure has always been normal. <125. Two weeks ago my MD noted it was 170. Yesterday it was 163. I starting supplementing with NAC at 500mg/day (Jarrow) usually in combination with ALC and ALA. I had increased the dose up to 1500 mg/day spread out . From Mercola: [Researchers...
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    Economic impact of Testosterone Defficiency in the U.S.

    [h=2]Originally posted by Excelmale. My comment: the direct health impact as described by op is high yet is does not include diminished productivity, costs for preventable workplace accidents, higher workmen's comp, increased costs to entitlement programs such as possible permanent disability...
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    Short Course: Pathology of the Endocrine Module (Axis) This 2010 course intended for UT health sciences students of Dale Childress MD is a decent reference material and a fairly easy read for the advanced layman. excerpt: 'Both neural input from the central nervous system...
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    How to transfer hCG 10ml syringe to insulin syringe?

    pharmacist: "You are to reconstitute the hCG inside the 10 ml syringe and inject from there" me: "please send insulin syringe 31G" pharmacist: "get from the the pharmacy that supplies your insulin" me: "31G is for hCG" pharmacist: "No way can you get it in the insulin syringe after...
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    Astaxanthin sale Costco sale astaxanthin 6 mg free shipping 3 cents/mg -until sold out- best price seen on this important supplement TruNature Costco house label clean product. contains only EVO, purified water in gel caps. made with Swedish AstaReal proven benefits: exercise recovery, skin, vision...