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  1. T

    Typical HRT Dosing for Women - Can it be Too Low and Cause Problems?

    My wife is post menopause and uses CombiPatch estradiol/norethindrone at 0.025/0.125mg per day. This is half the intended dosing of the patches, as we cut them in half. However, this seems to work best for eliminating spotting, which was an issue, while actually succeeding in eliminating hot...
  2. T

    Labs before clomiphene, during, and after cessation. Still searching for Free T increase.

    8/2012 Partial labs before clomiphene monotherapy: TotT-336, LH-3.9, SHBG-41, FreeT-8.2 1/2013 Partial labs during clomiphene monotherapy: TotT-757, LH-4.9, SHBG-74, FreeT-10.5 6/2014 Partial labs after 5 months off clomiphene: TotT-523, LH-5.1, SHBG-55, FreeT-8.3 (but taking measures...
  3. T

    Supplement BOTH Pregnenalone and DHEA?

    Gene generally mentions taking both micronized Pregnenalone and DHEA as "backfilling the pathways" supplements. I have tried taking just DHEA and then both together. I don't really notice any subjective difference, and have not had any further DHEA blood testing since my initial low result of...
  4. T

    Compounded T cream or gel, Cabergoline, and Danazol dose

    Quick question as I head to my endo. If I wanted to use a compounded T cream or gel (total T at baseline would be around 300), what prescription would I ask for (not sure my endo knows about T compounding). My insurance may not cover Testim gel. Also, what dosages/days of Cabergoline (for...
  5. T

    Toremifene possibly replace Clomiphen with better subjective results?

    I just read a research note on ergo-log. I have clipped the summary below and also comments from a Torifene user: SERMs boost T levels in men only Doping experts knew it already, but it's always nice when their views are confirmed by science. Anti-oestrogens like clomiphene [the active...