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    I have been using Empower for my TD Test cream for a loooooooong time, with no issues in the past. I had my 6 month visit with my provider a few days ago. After going over all my labs, and evaluateing where I was at, the NP said I needed to find another source for my TD Test cream due to the...
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    I am starting a NEW story line here :) I have some other older post that detail the back story :) TIRED of peeing every 1.5 to 2.5 hrs 24/7. After some research AQUABLATION looked like the way to go but no one in Alabama is doing it. I have been to UAB and had a flow test done that confirmed...
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    Overview of BPH procedures

    Jun 1, 2021 1,446 views • Jun 1, 2021 Christopher Keel, D.O, F.A.C.S., adjunct assistant professor of surgery at the USA College of Medicine and a urologist at USA Health University Urology, presented “Treating the Enlarged Prostate in the Modern Era: Minimally Invasive Techniques,” at the Med...
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    T2 - 3,5-diiodo-l-thyronine Info?

    I looked around and did not see any post on this subject (may not have used the right search phrase?). Wondering if anyone has tried it as an adjunct to typical thyroid meds. From what little I have read may help with folks that have a low T2 level. I see it touted as a workout supp but that...
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    BHP and Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) - MY STORY

    Long story short… Large prostate. NO PCa. Getting up at night every 1.5 to pee. Getting old with that. Researched minimally invasive procedures. Procedure covered by insurance. NO DICING AND SLICING because of possible sides! TULSAPRO looked good but insurance would not cover. Researched PAE...
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    UPDATE i WAS LOOKING FOR MY ORIGINAL POST BUT IT MUST HAVE DISAPEARED:) SHORT STORY BELOW:) Hmmm I have a thread or 2 on my PSA. I was waaaay higher than you. DR wanted to do a blind biopsy. Not no, but hell no. Lets do a 4K blood test. Results were good. Still over 4. Lets do a blind biopsy...
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    GREAT article / BLOG post on E2. worth a read.
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    The Amazing Bremelanotide PT-141 (Vyleesi)

    Bremelanotide PT-141 is a promising treatment option for men experiencing sexual dysfunction, particularly those struggling with low libido and erectile issues. This synthetic peptide works differently from traditional ED medications like Viagra or Cialis, targeting the nervous system rather...
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    sildenafil citrate and bph

    I looked around PUBMED for any recent research on "sildenafil citrate and bph" and only found 2 recent articles of interest: Effect of sildenafil citrate in testosterone induced benign prostate hyperplasia rat model. - PubMed - NCBI Daily use of sildenafil 50mg at night effectively ameliorates...
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    Comparison of Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Targeted Biopsy With Systematic Biopsy Alone for the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

    Great post at Inspire. The PDFs of the article are attached. Link Removed
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    I searched the post and found no current input so wondering abut impact /effect from anyone taking it. Thanks...
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    Testosterone Therapy - a 40 Year Perspective on Prostate Cancer | By Dr. Abraham Morgentaler

    Worth listening too.... Stickie worthy... AND updated with additional info. AND most recent presentation
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    Focal or Definitive Therapy for Prostate Cancer: MRI vs. Mapping Part I AND II

    Herbert Lepor | Focal or Definitive Therapy for Prostate Cancer AND Nelson Stone | Mapping biopsies versus MRI for Prostate Cancer
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    Focal Laser Therapy for Prostate Cancer

    Good info here with 2 links to additional info. Dr. Scott Eggener on Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer - Prostate cancer - Inspire AND Dr. Ahmed is Professor and Chair of Urology Focal Therapy Interview - Prostate cancer - Inspire Might be another good STICKIE
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    MRI Guided PROSTATE Biopsy

    MR Guided Biopsy – Summary: John C. Chang, MD, PhD, compares advantages and disadvantages of MRI-guided biopsy and transrectal ultrasound-guided (TRUS) biopsy. He emphasizes MRI-guided biopsy’s detection rates and its effectiveness in patients undergoing repeat biopsies, while acknowledging its...
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    Giddy is coming in September! An FDA-approved erection-enhancing device that's wearable

    Anyone here about this? Came across a mention of this device on a PCa form. Sounds interesting. Here are 2 links with more info: Giddy: FDA Class II medical device for ED Giddy: Breakthrough Wearable ED Treatment
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    Testosterone Therapy Impedes Diabetes Progression

    Testosterone Therapy Impedes Diabetes Progress, Study Finds |
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    NE1 using IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphat) or can decipher a CERTIFICATA OF ANALYSIS (COA)

    Came across a post about this substance and it sounds interesting. Inositol Hexaphosphate This stuff appears to have anti cancer abilities plus. The commercial item is selling for around $40-$50 bottle for 180 or so caps. I found a bulk supplement company that sells it for a LOT LESS starting at...
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    NE1 use Garden Of Life Sport Organic Plant-Based Protein ?

    The daughter has been using it as an alterative to whey (milk based). Says organic? Thoughts / comments on the product.
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    I have noticed that cost has increased 50% over the last 4 months. Wonder if it is tied into the trade war with China. 1KILO from Bulk Supplements: 18SEP18 - $27 9OC18 - $ 31 12DEC18 - $39 Should have bought waaaay more last Oct :)
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    Can you overdo L-Citrulline DL-Malate 2:1?

    I purchased some bulk L-Citrulline DL-Malate 2:1. Very inexpensive in bulk form from Amazon. One Kilo for $27.00 shipped. I have been adding it to the water I drink at work. I add stevia and 2 heaping teaspoons to a 12oz bottle of water. Ends up tasting like lemon aid with enough stevia:) I...
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    Bacteriostatic Water 30ml - SHORTAGE???

    Was looking at getting another bottle and it looks like a shortage???? What gives? Apparently locations that still have it in stock are charging like it is gold????
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    Giving a Subcutaneous Injection - NIH PATIENT EDUCATION MATERIAL

    Not sure where to post as this PDF can go to other areas where SubQ is used... So here it is:)
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    How do I delete private conversations

    I can click the box and I see the drop down box at the bottom but there is no "Delete" option?
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    The LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) Book - If you have CFS, FM, Lyme and more

    Have been doing some research on LDN. Seems to be an Amazing medication that can have a significant positive impact on any number of autoimmune type diseases. Chapters written by medical professional.... Chapters cover: Pharmacology of LDN MS and Lupus IBD CFS and FM Thyroid (Hashi and Graves)...
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    Men's Testosterone Levels Rebound Quickly After Weight-Loss Surgery: Study
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    Low dose naltrexone (ldn) - information

    I am doing some research on LDN and came across this organization that has to be the definitive site for valid and current information on the subject: "The LDN Research Trust was founded in 2004 in the UK, although we help people around the world. The primary aim of the Trust is to initiate...
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    Help with Iron Panel

    I have tried to understand Iron Panel interpretations, but the more I read the more I am confused. So looking for an EXPERT on Iron Panel evaluations. Here are the lab values. TIBC - 231 - (250-450 ug/dl) LOW UIBC - 108 - (131-425 ug/d) LOW IRON - 123 - (27-159 ug/dl) % IRON SATUR - 53 -...
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    Hashimoto and thyroid info site

    Saw the link in a thyroid forum and took a look. The site is developed by an individual who has a PharmD. Degree (Doctor of Pharmacy). Had no idea what that was, but looks like Pharmacy and nursing schools are awarding degrees that are Doctor of..... So NOT an MD Doctor, but seems to be quite...
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    Are ALL the video links now dead?

    Was looking around and it appears that ALL the video links are dead???? Is this more of the Youtube backlash?