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    Help my cystic acne is back after 10 years since I took Accutane prescribed by my old dermatologist. I no longer have insurance. Anyone know a good website to buy Accutane without Rx? I will be monitoring my liver enzymes every two months through labs. Please message me I am desperate I’m so...
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    Where to Buy Accutane

    Help my cystic acne is back(after 10 years since I took Accutane prescribed by my old dermatologist)!! Anyone know if Dr Saya prescribes Accutane? If not anyone know a good website to buy Accutane? I don’t have insurance so need without Rx:confused: I’ll do my own labs
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    Creatine and water retention

    So ten years ago when I was in my early twenties, there were a few times i took creatine but stopped taking because someone told me it's very bad for the body or "thins your blood". I loved the feeling it would give me while working out(especially when taking one I had bought from Germany on...
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    Test cyp and milk thistle

    Anyone know how milk thistle affects testosterone, if at all? I started taking 175mg 3x a day for about two weeks now and I feel like its enhanced my trt. I feel more pumped and I even look veinier. Fyi,I also started taking primrose supplement for my acne, the week before I started the...
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    Is this normal?

    I notice that a couple hours after I inject 250 iu HCG my scrotum and some areas of my penis feel clammy and cool. Is this normal? I also take 25mg of zinc...don't know if that matters. Thanks
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    Potatoes vs white rice

    I was raised eating white rice and switch to brown is not at option so was thinking of maybe having my dinner(steak, chicken other meats) with steamed or baked potatoes (no sour cream or butter) Which is worst? White rice or potatoes?
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    Testosterone cyp while a cold or flu is starting

    Is it ok to give my dose of testosterone while I'm starting to get body aches and a 101.2 fever? I'm also taking Tylenol to help with fever. Furthermore, would it be ok to borrow my next dose due in two days so I get a higher dose maybe will help me with the symptoms ? I split my doses I'm 3x...
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    TRT 3 weeks vs 4 weeks

    Currently I inject testosterone into 3 split doses (mon, wed, fri) subq, weekly. I'm considering changing to: skipping a week and just adding those 3 skipped doses into 3 weeks, so Basically what I'm doing is the same total dose for 4 weeks into 3 weeks and then do a kind of "mini cycle" every...
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    Injecting at night vs day

    I know everyone has their own preference on what time of the day but I was thinking... If a male's body naturally produces testosterone during sleep, wouldn't it make sense to inject at bedtime to mimic the body's own natural state? I inject around lunch time 3times a week subq. Any comments...
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    Testosterone and Milk Thistle

    Anyone know if testosterone cypionate, HCG and Anastrozole are affected at all by supplementing with Milk thistle? I ask because some medications are affected by this wonder natural supplement. It's protects the liver/regenerates damaged liver cells. so it affects some medications in the...
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    Hot flashes

    So almost every day I get hot flashes here and there. Anyone know if this is due to estrogen high? Or low? Or the testosterone itself? And don't ask me for numbers as I haven't had labs done but will be due for some next month.
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    Zinc supplementation

    I notice a huge difference sexually when I start taking a 50mg of zinc supplement. Even from the first dose. But I'm left wondering if there is any negative effects while on TRT. Like does it raise DHT? or is it a common suggested supplement to take? Any thoughts, info? Thanks
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    Dumb question but still wondering

    So I inject daily on my lunch break at work. So I carry my vial in my backpack in its orange plastic prescription bottle from the pharmacy. This is ok to do right? Like it won't lose potency like HCG would by shaking it around. I also make sure to protect from light like it states on the label
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    Daily test cyp protocol

    I was splitting my weekly subq dose to twice a week, the switched to every other day since I started trt 3 months ago. Now I have found that injecting every day at my lunch time at work has given me the benefit of not feeling sleepy after lunch and also I am able to be stress free while sitting...
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    Help, feeling emotional

    So for the past 3weeks I've been trying to deal with my high levels of estradiol. I was prescribed arimidex .25mg 3times a week but after reading posts here I decided to cut down to twice a week just incase. Last time I took my last dose was 3 days ago. And next dose is about to be due Last...
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    What supplements/foods to AVOID at all while on TRT

    Obviously bad fats and simple carbs and alcohol(learned my lesson on getting drunk one night after my first month on TRT). soy milk... But what else do you guys suggest to stay away from? I was wondering if taking Milk Thistle would affect Testosterone Cypionate/HCG/anastrozole at all or even...
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    BEST FOODS while on TRT

    I am trying to gain good weight. What are your favorite lean proteins, good carbs and favorite veggies to gain good muscle weight while keeping fat low?
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    Anastrozole vs water retention

    Does anyone know how does Anastrozole help with water retention? "bloating" like does it work like a diuretic? I ask because last week I started anastrozole .25 3 times a week...I was a bit bloated before I started but no gyno issues...and I find myself going to the restroom alot to urinate...
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    Hair Loss at week 4-6 of TRT and then stopped

    So I started TRT(TestCyp @125mg) 7weeks ago... at around week 4-6 I started losing hair like crazy and started to FREAK OUT!!! I googled looking for a solution and thats how I found (which I love by the way). So when I stumbled to this site, in one of the forums I read someone...
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    Is Testesterone Cypionate available from big pharms

    Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows if there is any Testosterone Cypionate available from big pharmaceuticals companies instead of it comming from Compounding pharmacies(I don't trust compunding)? and specifically made with grape seed oil. If so what companies.? am also assuming that Arimidex...
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    APS vs EMPOWER Pharmacy

    I started TRT 6weeks ago with lowtestosterone .com I noticed that the first shipment of meds were sent from Empower. then out of nowhere they changed my pharmacy to APS. I had issues with them(APS) on having them filling my Anastrazole prescription that my doctor recently prescribed as my E2...
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    Does supplements that contain FLAXSEED OIL raise or affect E2 or aromatase?

    I read an article on another site which was making it seem like flaxseed raises estrogen in men similar to claims on soy. is this true?
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    Muscle gains on TRT vs overdosing

    Im 35. Ive been on TRT for 6weeks with TestCyp @125mg per week. I started with a testosterone level of 359ng/dl and after 6 weeks my test levels were at 1200. I have noticed my stamina and overall well being have improved. I also find myself wanting to workout almost every day in comparison to...
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    Anastrozole please help

    Hi, I have been on TRT with testcyp for 7weeks at 125mg(63cc) per week(been splitting my dose Every other day subQ). HCG 500 pr week, I split my dose to twice a week 250x2 my original lab numbers: total TEST was at 359ng/dl(reference interval 348-1197) and freeTEST(direct) 10.8 pg/ml...