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  1. G

    Can gyno turn into breast cancer

    Hey guys! Since two years i have a slightly lump behind the nipple that seems gyno, and it appears and disappears. Now im experienced armpit sore ( started 1 week ago ). I was doing some research and it seems that there is some relation elevated estrógen levels and cáncer. What do you know...
  2. G

    Scrotal gel

    Hey guys! Finally ive achieved my target goals and reached 8ng/ml of test and 0.195ng/ml of free test 20hours later of my 20mg daily shot. The problem is that after were one week on a travel ( i put 140mg in one shot ) ive been dealing with gyno problems. Ive solved after took some tamoxifen...
  3. G

    Gyno on trt

    Hi guys! Im on trt (20mg Daily) but three weeks ago ive had a trip of 4 days and i put 80mg in one shot. Then i started to feel sore in my nipples and now i develop a little gyno. I started with 20mg/24hour of tamox last week but nothing happens. Now i start with 20mg/12 hour. In how many time...
  4. G

    liposome gel

    Hey guys! Ive been reading a spanish doctor who has a wide experience in trt and he advocates the gel use instead of injection. He claims that gels doesnt inhibit the fsh and lh. But he only aproves liposome gel because he notices the pharmaceutical gels ( f.e androgel ) dont work as well. He...
  5. G

    Flow Back after injecting

    Hey guys! Most times, after i injected aunq test i realizad it comes some flow back ( some oil get out of my belly), how can i fix it?
  6. G

    Trt doses

    Hi guys! My actual trt protocol is 20mg/day test cyp suba and after 16 hours of the last shot thats are my levels. I control my hematocrit and my hdl is in 40s so everything is right. But my total t levels are not in the high rank. Im wonderin if i increase the dose to 25/27mg/day i would...
  7. G

    Trt estrogen and hepatic adenoma

    Hi guys! Im worry because a famous spanish influencer died due the broke of an hepatic adenoma. He used to speak openly about roids and trt. Ive made a research and it seems there is a link between a high level of estrogen and the formation of hepatic adenomas. Ive been on trt for 3 years (...
  8. G

    Gh + TRT

    hi guys! Im wondering about add to my 20mg/testcyp daily 2 uis of hgh. Ive been reading the pros and cons and every body says, that there is a positive effects in bodycomposition, skin, sleep and recovery. On this dose ive read that only the bad thing is the decreased of insulin sensivity...
  9. G

    Watch this

    Hey guys, i dont know if someone of them speak spanish but i want to share and discuss what this spaniard endocrinologist says: Basically he is saying no matter how your testosterone levels are, he has observed lot of cases that indicates him that there is not a clear link between...
  10. G

    INR and Pothrombin

    Hey guys! I realized my INR and Prothrombine time have been increasing during the time ive been on trt. Right now there are in the top range. Does it matter? Does it happen to anybody?
  11. G

    High creatinine

    Hey guys! Im on 20mg test cyp daily and ive finally achived to low my hematocrito, the issue now is i realized my blood creatinine is a bit high, but in urine is ok. Do i concerned?
  12. G

    High hematocrit risk

    Hey guys ! Im a new member Ive been on trt during 3 years, 100-140mg/w cyp test. Hematocrit always high ( between 52-55). Plaqueta and hemoglobinas always on range. Despite my trt doctor sayd there is no problem, i prefer to mantain as low as possible. Ive try to do lot of things ( grapefruit...