Search results

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    Thyroid Results (what to do)

    The results below are from a good women friend of mine, she has all the classic symptoms of Hashimoto disease. The labs do verify this. There seems to be lots of conflicting recommendations out there as to how one should treat this. My question is what would be the best way to treat this? I do...
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    First Set Of Labs 3 Months since Starting TRT (TRT CREAM)

    Just wanted to share my first 3 months on TRT. I am using Empowers compounded cream (200mg/ML) All applications have been on the balls (scrotal) I am not using anything else. When I began, I was applying 1 click 2x daily 100mg a day. (50mg per click) I would apply in the mornings around...
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    New England Patriots

    The Patriots win again, 6th super bowl win. Despite horrible play by both Offensive teams, Patriots manage to pull out the win. But WOW what a defensive game. Historical lowest scored bowl game. Gotta give it to the G.O.A.T and Coach B. Quite an impressive record.
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    I am in the process of embarking on my own TRT journey. I have received some great advice here and am grateful for this site and the people on it, certainly helps this process become understandable and hopefully easier. So my question to anyone who cares to answer. Going back to YOUR day 1...
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    Initial TRT Dosing (Defy)

    I have been pouring through threads here, absorbing lots of info as I am likely to start TRT therapy at 52 yo. One question I have is about Defy. It seems that Defy likes to start everyone off with TRT, HCG, and a AI. I am basing this off of threads I have read. Is this correct?? When I do...
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    Hi all, 52 yo 180lbs, probably around 18-20% BF, small framed, pretty healthy I take no meds, I workout pretty consistently, until I go through what feels like a energy, brain fog, lasting soreness, major achy joints, weakness, after 4-6 weeks into lifting and some light cardio. I don't feel...
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    Please review and offer advice ....especially nelson

    Hi all, I'v been reading through the forum and what a great resourse for people.....So thanks see my labs posted below. Estradiol < 15 pg/ml flagged low DHT 64 ng/dl androstenedione 71 ng/dl LIPIDS free T 0.70 ng/dl flagged low. TRIGS 66 DHEA 312...