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  1. S

    High HGH levels but average IGF-1?

    I'm slightly confused I've tested pharma genotropin / norditropin and even done chinese UGLS (which I rate) All are going well, giving me the gains / size / quality of life benefits that I desire from HGH; however every time I test for IGF, i get average numbers ; I've never seen a sKY high...
  2. S

    Photo of my test results, have started TRT today Test Cyp 40mg EOD / 140mg per week

    Hi guys I hope you're all well This is my first time starting TRT I've decided to go with Test Cyp, 40mg every other day which eqautes to 140mg per week At what point should i go do another blood test to see how I'm responding? 2 weeks in ? 3 weeks? Should i get a blood test the day i...