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  1. R

    How many hours after T cream should I test T in blood?

    How many hours after applying 20% T cream (Pentravan base from NPlabs) should I test my Total and Free T? At what hour mark after the application is the peak?
  2. R

    Topi-click - push out the extra T after the click?

    So, according to this doctor, you should push down on the cap of the Topi-click bottle and apply the extra T cream that comes out along with the regular dose. However, it seems like that is almost an extra ~30mg of testosterone. If you use only 1 click (50mg), that's a significant increase. I...
  3. R

    Progesterone 280% higher, SHBG high, DHEA low, T normal -- should I start TRT?

    Hi. I would appreciate any analysis of my blood tests. Background: - 34yo male (5ft9 & 132lbs /180cm & 60kg) - never been a vegetarian. I eat mostly animal food, no sugar, no gluten. Severe chronic illness since 2013: - extreme tissue fatigue/weakness - super-easily injured - unable to heal...
  4. R

    11 years of EXTREME tissue weakness - I need advice please

    Hey, folks. In summary, I am 34yo (5ft9 & 132lbs /180cm & 60kg) and have been suffering for 11 years with extreme tissue weakness, super prone to injuries and no ability to heal. I am mostly house-bound. Years ago I tested low for DHEA, Progesterone, Estradiol, and high for SHBG. My total T was...