Search results

  1. phalloguy100

    Nocturnal erection rings

    Has anyone here tried the TechRing or ADAM Sensor? They're smart penis rings that measure duration and rigidity of erections overnight (or during sex) and send the data to your phone over Bluetooth. If you've tried them, what was your experience? Do they fall off at night easily? Are they...
  2. phalloguy100

    Why is it a bad idea to take clomid/gonadorelin while on TRT?

    I have read in this and other forums that taking clomid, gonadorelin, or kisspeptin while on TRT is a waste - that those things are used more for PCT, to regain testicular function. But why is it wasteful, or even contraindicated, to use those medications while on TRT? How does one harm the...
  3. phalloguy100

    How to increase DHT?

    Say what you like, but I want higher DHT! Deeper voice, manly chest hair, higher libido, and fortunately I am not prone to male-pattern baldness. What testosterone formulations help increase DHT? Is scrotal cream/gel/patch the only way? What else can help increase DHT? And perhaps more...
  4. phalloguy100

    Is it possible to reduce Inhibin?

    I’ve been reading a lot about testicular atrophy and how to increase testicular size. It appears that FSH could affect size way more than LH because it affects the size of tubules which take up more volume than the individual cells that produce testosterone. But as you all know… FSH is very...
  5. phalloguy100

    Trying to understand Testopel dosage

    A urologist I saw recently is recommending that I try Testopel pellets. He was saying to start with 2 x 75mg pellets every 3-4 months. If you divide that by 4 months, that's an average of 1.25mg of testosterone daily. My last great protocol was testosterone cypionate sub-q, 3 times a week at...
  6. phalloguy100

    Tips for insurance coverage of TRT and ED meds

    I see a lot of posts here from U.S. users stating that “insurance does not pay” for hCG, FSH, Trimix, and even some testosterone products. Although that may be true of some health plans, I have found that coverage is often permitted via prior authorizations and paying close attention to...
  7. phalloguy100

    Natesto (nasal testosterone spray)

    Hello! I’ve been on compounded testosterone cypionate in grape seed oil for a few months now. It’s working a lot better than cream or gel. However, it’s hard to stay compliant because I truly do not look forward to those shots (0.25mL/50mg subq three times per week with 27g needle). It always...
  8. phalloguy100

    Best brand of hCG? Vote on what has worked well for you!

    For those of you who have ordered hCG from other countries, especially from India, what brands do you recommend? Have you found anything comparable to Pregnyl? Corion Fertigyn Hucog Lupi-HCG Novarel Ovidag Ovunal Pregnyl Puretrig Sifasi ZyHCG
  9. phalloguy100

    Could hCG or LH spikes cause blood sugar drops??

    OK, so this is totally based on my own experience… I’ve noticed that I have huge, sudden drops in blood sugar (as much as 140 mg/dL) a few minutes after each hcg sub-q shot. The drops don’t last long though so they’re not a big concern- my glucose stabilizes within an hour or so on its own. But...
  10. phalloguy100

    Getting sleepy after T-cyp injections?

    I was on Androgel until last year, when it seemingly stopped absorbing so i was switched to compounded cream. Well, it worked great for two weeks, but then it wouldn't absorb consistently either. So the doctor switched me to T-Cyp in grapeseed oil, which I started last week. I'm now doing T-cyp...
  11. phalloguy100

    TRT questions - Low SHBG and Anastrazole use

    Hi guys, I have couple of questions about my TRT protocol. 1) In my last labs, SHBG came back low (1 unit below normal range). What effect does that have on things like libido, EQ, etc.? Is it necessary to raise it? 2) Unrelated to #1... from time to time my estradiol has been high. Doctor...
  12. phalloguy100

    Last update on my experience with P-Long and PRP

    ** Update 10/18/23 ** (Possibly last update) Cross-posted in Thunders Place / PhalloBoards. It’s been a while since my last update. Unfortunately, I stopped following the P-Long protocol after about 4.5 months due to the reactions to PRP getting worse and also dealing a lot with diabetes...
  13. phalloguy100

    How long for hcg to kick in?

    How long will it take for 500ius 2-3 times per week (if already in TRT) to kick in? What changes should I feel in my body or mood? If it were to raise E levels, what symptoms would I feel? Water retention, low libido, increased ED, fatigue, etc.?
  14. phalloguy100

    Defy is awesome!!

    Sorry for the excitement, but just wanted to throw it out there... I had my visit with Defy for a second opinion, and OMG, they were so knowledgeable!!! The doctor new all my medical history and labs almost by heart, and listened to all my concerns about drug interactions with diabetes. He had...
  15. phalloguy100

    Increased testosterone effects on blood sugar?

    Random question… would getting higher/optimal testosterone levels have an effect on blood glucose and/or insulin sensitivity? This maybe a total coincidence, but I stopped clomid and restarted androgel. About a week into it, I’ve been getting some hypoglycemic episodes (I wear a dexcom cgm and...
  16. phalloguy100

    My experience with PRP, P-Shot, P-Long, Pumping, RestoreX and penis hang size

    Hi everyone. I’ve been receiving questions about my posts on the P-Long thread posted by Dr. Brandeis on PhalloBoards, so I thought I would share my experience here for the benefit of all. A few months ago, I decided to try a P-Shot (penis PRP injection) to help with E.D. I went to a clinic in...
  17. phalloguy100

    Twice daily cialis?

    I was recently prescribed cialis 2.5mg daily for E.D. I also have a recent diabetes diagnosis and I’m working on weight loss to try to reverse it. Although I feel like an old grandpa taking ED meds, truthfully I need it (especially after my endo’s failed experiment with clomid and stopping TRT…...
  18. phalloguy100

    Are Clomid side effects worth it?

    Hey there! I've been on TRT for a while due to secondary hypogonadism. Due to moving / no job, I was off TRT for 2-3 years and my levels dropped to "normal" which for me is <200 total T. Started seeing a new PCP last year who ran 2 morning T tests, both came back low, so he started me on...