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  1. M

    Desperately need help

    I decided to come off testosterone after 7 years because I was always struggling with high estrogen. Defy Medical gave me enclomiphene to restart HPTA. I took enclo for almost two weeks and had had severely high estrogen. It's been 19 days and I'm suffering really bad. I can't sleep more than 3...
  2. M

    Interesting experience quitting TRT

    So last took 40mg of short acting testosterone propionate 8 days ago. The half life if 20 hours. So theoretically it should be completely out of my system in 4.5 days. The reason I stopped is I aromatize like crazy when I can't workout. I had ACDF surgery and am not allowed to work out for one...
  3. M

    Subq increased aromatiztion

    One would think Subq injections would lead to lower rates of aromatiztion due to less blood supply in fat tissue. However this has absolutely not been the case for me. I was doing IM injections here for months even years. I did try subq injections before but I didn't make the correlation of...
  4. M

    Permanent changes in sexual health

    Hello everyone. I'm 40 years old I've been on trt for a little over 4 years. Unfortunately I've never been able to consistently dial in my TRT protocol. I've suffered high and low estrogen symptoms this whole time but especially this last year year and a half mostly low estrogen. When this...