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  1. S

    AIs and E2 from HCG

    I'll keep this simple, but I've read all sorts of things on this. Can the E2 increase experienced from adding HCG to your TRT be controlled via an AI? If not, then how an earth does anyone take HCG? My e2 shot up fom 35pg/mL to approx 80pg/mL. This has lead to an increase in libido but a...
  2. S

    Started HCG alongside TRT, docs say to wait 8 weeks for it to settle

    I'll keep this short and to the point. I've been on TRT for 2yrs and have as of 2.5 weeks ago added HCG 250iu E3D, with the shot the day before my T dose of 50mg also every E3D. I also take 50mg DHEA and 25mg Pregnenolone ED. Doctor told me to wait 8 weeks and see where I end up with next set...
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    SteroidPlotter and mg/day

    Recently discovered SteroidPlotter (SteroidPlotter - Graph your cycle) and thought wow that's so cool. I'm on trt and really keen on getting my dose correctly set. However, I have a quick question, does anyone know if the mg/day plots are mg of the ester or mg of testosterone, from my...
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    Pramipexole instead of Cabergoline

    I've been using cabergoline with some success as my prolactin is always high normal and not optimal. It works well, and allow me to cum quicker, and in a some cases multiple times. However I'm very risk adverse and don't like the effects caber can have on the heart value, so I wanted to give...
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    Can proviron suppress your normal dht?

    Hi, Apologies if this is a silly question, but I think my theory is sound. I added 50mg of proviron to my current 120mg per week trt (35mg every 2 days) to increase libido, well being etc. I sourced some proviron through underground labs, can't know for sure its legit. However, it did work as...
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    Shortness of breath on 50mg test E every 3 days

    I've been on TRT for 6m now. Initially for about 3months life was good and had no issues apart from high oestrogen. However, I switched to enanthate 100mg every 4 days about 3months ago. This dose was far too high which my 6m bloods showed. It was a mess, I had total T of 88, and other markers...
  7. S

    Just got 6m blood results and they're insane - Free T 88 nmol/L or 2500 ng/dL - WTF!!!!

    Been on TRT for 6m now. Initially I was taking 150Mg of sustanon every 5 days. However I was getting issues with oestrogen, and wanted to pin more frequently so I didn't need to take an AI. My clinic said take 100mg every 4 days of enanthate. I've been doing this new routine for a while now and...