My wife age 37 gets very close to climax but has hard time reaching there. Even when she gets there it takes her very long.Any supplements or suggestions are highly welcome. Or a link to a prior post about this also would be helpful. Ty
Here's good advice if you want to get the last 5-10 units from the vial without them going to waste.
Remember as she says this should only be done when you're done the whole bottle . To open the bottle early you'll risk serious contamination and infection.
My feet are a little swollen on testosterone and i recently got a bad cellulitis ( which might be due to the swollen feet). Any ideas how to prevent this from happening? I would like to hear medicine ideas or any supplements that are over the counter. I hope this resolves over time. I'm on trt...
I can have an erection but it won't feel so pleasurable during sex. I tried Viagra cialis but they don't help with sensitivity. They made it worse. Did anyone find that it helped with sensitivity where you're penis doesn't feel like your finger?
Besides the first time i tried hcg which was best experience ever , every time i use hcg even a small dose of 60 units i get ed and can't erections. I tried dim. It helped somewhat. Does that mean an AI would help me more? I know many people against it here. Should i stop hcg? But I'm looking...
Has pt141 worked for anyone in a normal fashion? Meaning i read from people that it made you super horny when you don't want to or it had an adverse or no affect? I'm just looking for something to fix my sensitivity issues but i also want to focus on work and not be distracted. Any luck with anyone?
Does anyone have a good trt doctor in new York who takes insurance?
If you do please post his information as I'm tired of paying defy when my insurance covers testosterone and defy doesn't take insurance
My first time using hcg the intimate experience two days later was nothing like i can ever remember. Sensitivity and hardness was unmatched since my early twenties and i don't even remember it being that good back then. However it was a one time experience and it never happened again. On hcg...
Hi i found ivf pharmacy has fsh cheaper than everywhere else but still very expensive. Does anyone know if they're reliable or where else can i get it for cheap or hmg if it's the same thing. Thanks in advance
Hi i started the gel 5 grams like three weeks ago and i felt great. But now I'm starting to get fatigue like i used to. Is this normal? I'm 37 years old