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    Please Help! Confusing Bloodwork and Hypothyroid symptoms

    Please help me understand my blood work and symptoms I’ve been struggling for the longest time with fatigue, stubborn weight, and feeling extremely cold + sluggish, constipated and having ED. I’ve been taking my oral temperature on waking and throughout the day. Waking temp ranges from 92-96...
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    I need help with Low E2. I’m at my wits end.

    I’ve been struggling with low E2 for the longest time. Started off my TRT 36 mg daily test CYP, 200 IU HCG daily, and 0.0625 mg anastrozole twice per week. Dropped the AI due to low E2 symptoms (mostly achy knees, lethargy, difficulty maintaining/getting erection). Bloodwork showed T = 3100...
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    Headaches, dizziness and lethargy

    Old protocol was 200 mg split into daily administrations with 250 IU HCG EOD Bloodwork revealed elevated RBC (6.20 million/uL), normal hematocrit (43.4) and low Hemoglobin (13.0). I expected my hemoglobin to be low because I have beta thalassemia trait. Pre-TRT my hemoglobin was 10.0 and my RBC...
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    Melatonin Preventing Estrogen-Mediated Gene Transcription In Vitro

    This study (Melatonin blocks the activation of estrogen receptor for DNA binding - PubMed) seems to show that melatonin hinders the action of estrogen-bound estrogen receptors. "The present study shows that melatonin prevents, within the first cell cycle, the estradiol-induced growth of...
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    Hands Swelling At Night

    For the past week or so I've been experiencing some notable swelling in my fingers when I lay down to sleep at night. It gets bad enough to where I wake up at night because my right hand is totally numb and then I have to awkwardly shift sleeping position. My protocol is currently 20 mg test C...
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    Help! Insomnia, Irritability, and Libido Issues on TRT

    Here's my most recent bloodwork with an SHBG of 38 I was on 250 mg test C split into daily injections as well as 150 IU HCG ED. I was also taking 100 mg pregnenolone before bed because my pre-TRT progesterone was 0.1 I have been waking up too early (after 6 hours in bed) and unable to go back...