Hey guys, long time no seen, hope ya'll are doing great.
Just had this shit done yesterday and was expecting results to take time but today I saw the result on the app and the Dr. Consultant Radiologist suggestion at the bottom. Quick as fuck...to offer putting me straight on 3 medications...
Hello crew.
Anyone of you guys had this experience? I've been on TRT 100mg/week of Testosterone Enanthate for around 10 months without any problems and was feeling great. Just now remembered that I've changed to Sustanon250 recently and in some time I started getting all these issues...
Looking to start treatment as feeling ruff.
Got sustanon from pharmacy.
What do you think about my numbers?
In good shape, eat good, workouts sucks though as with such numbers i get no recovery, wake up tired, brain fog, bone health, sex drive, libido and some ed. Nore symptoms but that be...