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  1. S

    New blood work

    Hi there Just had some new blood work Does everything look ok ? Thanks
  2. S

    My Dhea levels

    So finally got my Dhea levels back Now I was only taken Dhea 25 mg a week before taken this blood test So guessing my levels would have been lower than this ? Carry on taken 25mg Dhea or move it upto 50 mg a day ? Thanks
  3. S

    Blood result some help pls

    Hi there Got some bloods back on my trt 17.5mg if sust pinned daily 25mg Dhea I pin first thing in the morning These bloods where took Saturday but did not pin until after bloods so last injection was Friday morning Anything stand out ? My estrogen seems a little high to me tbh 162 pmol...
  4. S

    Got my bloods back

    Hi there Got some bloods back on my trt 17.5mg if sust pinned daily 25mg Dhea I pin first thing in the morning These bloods where took Saturday but did not pin until after bloods so last injection was Friday morning Anything stand out ? My estrogen seems a little high to me tbh...
  5. S

    Lower back pain

    Bit of a funny one I’ve been getting lower back pain for last week I’m not sure if low or high e2 is causing it ? Been reading some people get this with either high or low I got bloods last Friday , but they messed them up so now got to wait to get some fresh ones it gets to the...
  6. S

    Dhea and pregnelone

    Hi everyone I’m on 122 mg of test sust a week daily Im injections . Im looking to add Dhea and preg to my protocol ? I’ve just added Dhea at 25 mg in the am . But not sure what dose to add of preg? I’ve got 100mg tablets but don’t want to start at that dose , so just bought 25 mg tablets ...
  7. S

    Need a little help

    So I’ve been running 17.5mg to test e and 1000 hcg a week 5 mg of Cialis a day and my zinc before bed Balls started to ache as not run hcg in years and years So dropped the hcg to 500 a week Been feeling really good on this But pharmacy can not get test e so put me back on sust I’ve...
  8. S

    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    Hit there What’s people thoughts on dim? Does it work to lower estrogen and stop estrogen sides I’ve tried calcium d but didn’t like how it made me feel I’m looking at a natural way of controlling estrogen on my trt Before using aromasin I’ve lost weight and I don’t drink So...
  9. S

    My blood work on new protocol

    Hi there I’ve started my new trt protacol Was doing 125 mg twice a week 62.5 min abs Thursday , but to many ups and downs So I’ve gone daily sub q shots 105 mg a week 15 mg daily I’m amazed how well a low dose has worked on me Just need some help on my bloods I took my daily shot...