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  1. M

    HCG and nasal congestion

    Ok, has anyone noticed the same, i was struggling with stuffed nose especially during the night recently, i was using hcg, ovitrelle to be specific, took a break for a while. I connected the dots as yesterday i took a dose after weeks off, lo and behold last night i woke up during the night as a...
  2. M

    pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic profile of a novel recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin

    First-in-human trial assessing the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic profile of a novel recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin in healthy women and men of reproductive age First published: 13 May 2021...
  3. M

    E2 too low, what to do?

    Been having problems with too little aromatization a while, started while i was on hcg, maybe it was jacking up progesterone and suppressing e2. Kind of ironic since usually hcg leads to higher e2. Anyway, been trying ed enanthate now, at 7.5mg, felt good for a while but once i was reaching...