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  1. T

    My clinic says gel is less suppressive than injectables and easier to come off

    I’ve been on TRT for coming up to 3 years. Due to having various issues with it, I am considering trying to come off it. I was on cypionate for 1.5 years, then sustanon for a year and now testogel for last 4/5 months. I enquired about stopping with my clinic and they said that gel was less...
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    Feeling of facial/head tightness when testosterone levels rise

    It's possible that this is something else, but I find that when my levels rise after dosing testosterone, I get this sensation of my head/face getting quite tight. I was wondering if this is some sort of migraine. I have seen that estrogen levels are connected to migraines. Has anyone else...
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    Hematocrit on gel vs injections

    After having issues with injection absorption, I recently switched to testogel and the results have been surprisingly good. Using the technique of showering, exfoliating and applying lotion, it feels like my levels have skyrocketed and stay elevated well into the next day. I am pretty sure that...
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    Absorption of test oil into fat is ruining TRT

    When I first started TRT I was advised to do subq which had terrible results from very high e2. For some reason, when test oil is absorbed into my body through fat cells this seems to happen. I also can't drink alcohol on TRT because it sky rockets my estrogen and I feel terrible and can't fall...
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    Anyone use cialis and clonidine together?

    Does anyone know about the safety of using cialis with clonidine or has used them together themselves? I understand blood pressure may drop too low but beyond that is it safe?
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    Would it be harmful to wipe syringe needle before injecting with ethanol swab?

    I am someone who IM injections work far better than subq subjectively speaking. For the last couple of years I have been injecting in the lowers point of my outer quads daily and found this the best spot as there is basically no fat under the skin. Annoyingly scar tissue has built up there which...
  7. T

    Did SSRI's cause problems for your TRT protocol?

    I've read about SSRIs have some effect on various sex hormones. I've started recently Zoloft for anxiety but can't help but feel like it's doing weird things to my hormones. This isn't my first time on Zoloft, I have been on it in the past but when prior to TRT. Is anyone here on TRT with and...
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    Relationship between bodyfat, diet and SHBG

    I have read that higher bodyfat raises leptin and that higher leptin can lower SHBG. Does this mean that losing bodyfat can raise SHBG? I have cut down from 85 to 78kg but also found that I needed to up my daily dose slightly. I have noticed another observation that is really strange. After I...
  9. T

    Couple of questions on endurance exercise on oxidation

    Would doing a lot of endurance exercise "use up more testosterone"? Could exposure of testosterone to air/oxygen make it lose potency? I'm asking these questions as I sometimes find my stored (in multi dose vial) ampoules of sustanon feel like they can get weaker rapidly or spoiled in some...
  10. T

    Can’t find a protocol I’m happy with

    I’ve been on trt for 2 years but haven’t found a protocol that really works for me. I’ve done a few posts about these issues already. Cypionate and enthanate give me palpitations (a constant hard beating heart) but sustanon doesn’t which I presume is down to the benzyl benzoate as that is the...
  11. T

    Pieces of rubber in testosterone vial

    Today I have noticed that pieces of rubber from the stopper on my vial have got into the vial itself. I am using Sustanon and storing ampoules in a multi use vial. Does this matter? Should the vial be discarded? Could I withdraw using a filter needle and put the oil into another vial?
  12. T

    Too hot to sleep on workout days on Sustanon

    A couple of months ago I made the switch from cypionate to sustanon, doing 10mg a day. I have also started going to the gym again. I'm finding that on workout days I overheat in the evening and struggle to fall asleep. I don't have this problem as badly when I go for a run. I haven't done an...
  13. T

    Does air exposure weaken testosterone cypionate

    I understand that testosterone has a shelf life, I am trying to understand what would make it weaken (ie temperature, light etc). Would injecting air into a vial weaken it? I experimented with injecting air into the vial a few times (maybe 5) to see if it would react with extra components in it...
  14. T

    Couple of questions about gel and how it compares to injections in regards to DHT and muscle gain

    I am going to try testogel to see if it has less side effects in place of cypionate which causes me a bounding pulse. I was wondering, provided I can absorb the gel about a couple of things: 1. Does gel (not applied to scrotum) increase DHT proportionately more than injections? I saw in a...
  15. T

    Issues with cypionate causing heart pounding

    I did a post a while back explaining that I get an excessively strong heartbeat that is very uncomfortable on TRT. This heart symptom is part of a bigger health issue that I have not been able to fix, sort of like a chronic bounding pulse. I've been on TRT for 1.5 years and suffered this most of...
  16. T

    Anyone know what the actual half life of TB500 is?

    It seems that people will either say the half life of TB500 is around 2-3 days or 7-10 days. The latter is pretty damn long. Does anyone know what it is, or is it just one of those things there isn't a clear answer to yet?
  17. T

    Can certain peptides fix a damaged heart? Looking for a suggestion

    I am 29 years old who misused anabolics in my late teens and early twenties. I suffer with a bounding pulse, ie a heartbeat that is too strong. I have had every test you can and everything is normal on paper. I have tried everything in regards to medication but nothing really works. My cardiac...
  18. T

    Are millilitre amounts consistent across syringes?

    I am switching from insulin needle to a more typical syringe with (reduced) deadspace, to try out deeper IM injections. What is confusing is that insulin needles have no dead space whilst typical syringes do. Making the switch I really want to avoid fluctuations, I have a narrow dose where I...
  19. T

    I seem to disproportionately aromatize from alcohol - any suggestions?

    On TRT I'm not able to drink alcohol with what I would describe as an estrogen hangover. I haven't blood tested, but I have been on clomid before so feel like I can tell my E2 gets too high. My levels on TRT around 600 trough with EOD injections, with a good free T for that level. I also have a...
  20. T

    E2 went a little low from one Arimidex dosing

    Yesterday I took a very small amount of arimidex 0 (0.125mg) when I shouldn’t have. My e2 has dipped a bit too low. Fortunately it’s not crashed, but it’s enough to be annoying. I have a slightly dry eyed feeling, worsened anxiety and low motivation. My sexual function is still pretty decent, so...
  21. T

    Experimenting with Arimidex when drinking alcohol

    I have been on TRT for 9 months (age 28), but have found that it doesn't mix with alcohol well. I've only drunk 3 times, but each time I get what feels like an estrogen hangover that lasts for a couple of days. I don't have blood tests to prove this, but when I drink I get acute bloating, acne...
  22. T

    Is it possible to block the vasodilatory effect of testosterone?

    I started TRT 6 months ago (28 years old) and have been suffering with an excessively strong heartbeat and pulse ever since. Many things causes this problem in me, but TRT is causing 24/7 at the moment. I have had every heart test which say that all is fine, including bloods, scans etc. I have...
  23. T

    3 weeks into TRT, heavy heartbeat/palpitations - will this subside?

    I started TRT 3 weeks ago on a dose of 100mg cypionate a week (EOD IM injections) and HCG 100iu a day subq. It's going well in terms of feeling it, however, I am noticing that is giving me what I would describe as a heavy heartbeat. This is something that I got before TRT, however, it is benign...