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  1. R

    Interesting Initial Experience With an Emsella Chair

    I went to a clinic that has an Emsella chair. It is an FDA approved device to treat incontinence in women by strenghtening the pevlic floor. For men, it supposedly helps with erections, sensitivity, ejaculation/orgasm, and urinary issues too. You sit on it and it sends out electromagnetic pulses...
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    Thoughts about libido

    When a doctor asks how your libido is, what do you think about when coming up with your reply and what do you say? For me currently, I would say my mental interest in sex is as strong as it's ever been, however I don't feel horny as strongly or as often as I used. And when I engage is sex...
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    Free Testosterone Results, Equilibrium Ultrafiltration vs Calculators

    When measuring free testosterone, my understanding is the equilibrium ultrafiltration method is the most accurate and the calculators are much less useful. As you can see below, my free testosterone measured 20.23 ng/dL (ref range 5.00 to 21.00) using equilibrium ultrafiltration (Labcorp...
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    Enclomiphene - Dose / Frequency / Follow Up Labs?

    I am starting a trial of enclomiphene. 12.5mg twice a week. Sunday morning and Wednesday evening to evenly split up the dose. The reason I am trialing enclomiphene is to see if it will raise my Free T and whether this will result in an improvement of my symptoms. I am 43, fit, healthy, never...
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    Do Labs Taken During Honeymoon Periods Tell You Your Sweet Spot For Levels or Anything Useful?

    I don't have labs from when I was 25 or 30 or even 39 when things were awesome. Wish I did since perhaps it would help me know what to target now. Has anyone done labs during honeymoon periods when everything is great? Do honeymoon lab numbers tell you anything special or give you a glimse of...
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    Does TRT reverse/improve sexual symptoms for most men with High Range SHBG / Lower Free T?

    The more I read about the situation of the healthy active person with normal labs and normal Total T, but higher range SHBG and lower Free T, it seems the only real solution that fixes the numbers is TRT. For all the other solutions that supposedly help (boron, nettle, more carbs, etc), the...
  7. R

    Interesting Experience with Pygeum

    I started taking Pygeum last week. Like other posts about it, I quickly noticed increased precum. However, in addition to that, I feel like it has made every piece of my reproductive system feel less shriveled up and more full of life including my penis, perineum, scrotum, and testicles...
  8. R

    Test for androgen receptor CAG repeat length

    Has anyone found a clinic that does the test for androgen receptor CAG repeat length? The androgen receptor CAG repeat length is mentioned in many studies on PubMed, but I can't find any information on how to get the test done for an individual.
  9. R

    Relationship Between Higher PSA and Higher SHBG

    I'm almost 43, have always been healthy, not on TRT or anything, my Total T is usually 600-800, somewhat lower Free T, SHBG is 48-58, and PSA is 1.7-1.8. Doctors have never said much about my PSA when discussing labs, I guess because it was "within range" meaning less than 2.5. However, the...
  10. R

    Is Maintaining Morning Erections Important?

    I'm almost 43 and my morning erections have mostly disappeared starting when I was 41. I am healthy and fit. Sexual function is 70% of what is was 3 years ago, but it is still fine. I'm not on TRT. My labs all come back good, 600-800 Total T, good thryoid, etc. The only exceptions are high but...
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    The Men Who Age Without Erection/Sexual Issues

    My urologist said about 10% of men never experience problems with erections, even through their 70s and 80s. He said they say, "my erections are as hard as ever". Is anyone aware of data collected on these 10% of men who don't seem to have issues in their older years? Why do they succeed when...
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    Choose Quest or Labcorp?

    This last year I have had my labs done by Interpath, Quest, and Labcorp, basically I used whatever lab the doctor's office used. Going foward I am going to select and stick with the same lab so that comparing my historical results is more consistent. Discounted Labs doesn't cover my state...
  13. R

    Freeing Up Testosterone with Average T Levels and/or Higher SHBG

    For those of us with average T levels and/or higher SHBG, our bodies are producing enough T, they just aren't using what's there because it is being bound by SHBG and isn't bioavailable. Why hasn't the pharmaceutical industry focused on producing medications that control (increase/decrease)...
  14. R

    Free T is important, what about Free DHT and Free Estradiol?

    Wikipedia says, "The relative binding affinity of various sex steroids for SHBG is dihydrotestosterone (DHT) > testosterone > androstenediol > estradiol > estrone. DHT binds to SHBG with about 5 times the affinity of testosterone and about 20 times the affinity of estradiol." Why aren't there...
  15. R

    Diminished erections in early 40s

    At age 43 my body's sexual condition is not quite as good as when I was 25 or 30, but everything still works fine when I have sex. However, I hardly ever have morning erections anymore, I used to have them every morning. My nocturnal erections are generally ok, but also sometimes weaker than...
  16. R

    What age is "normal" for a healthy man's sexual function to begin to decline?

    What age is "normal" for a healthy man's sexual function to begin to decline? I always thought it would be like age 55 or so. At age 43 here, I have the "I don't feel like I used to" feeling a lot of the time now. This has surprised me because I have had excellent sexual function my entire life...
  17. R

    Detailed Labs of 42yr old healthy with some recent sexual symptoms

    42 years old 6'1" 190lbs Never smoked, don't drink, no drugs, no medication, no accidents, no porn, no surgeries, good health, eat clean, don't work out a lot but pretty active. First sexual symptom ever was age 37 when I noticed a little bit of decreased sensitivity because it took a few more...