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  1. M

    Whats my next move?

    Hey guys! So ive been on 85mg 2x per week for 10 weeks now. Before i was on 80mg 2x per week and had no night or morning wood. Also no libido. I feel pretty good now on the 85mg x2. And occasionally i have some strong night and morning wood. But my libido is still completely dead! I have...
  2. M

    Cream users europe?

    So with the latest topics about cream, i might try it myself again in the future if the injections dont work out.. In the past i used cream. But i only had succes with one batch of cream. Very weird. But i have never felt more dialed like then. Unfortunately when the next batch arrived it all...
  3. M

    How many mg’s more do i need?

    Hey guys. Last year i was pretty much dialed in on ug testosterone my total T was close to 900 and FT was around 26-27. Now i have testosterone from the pharmacy. 8 weeks back i started at 55mg 2x per week. So 110mg a week. My levels came back at: TT : 760 FT: 21 With how many mg’s do i...
  4. M

    Question about iron and ferritin while on TRT

    Hey guys. So after reading a while on the forum i stumbled on a few topics about iron and ferretin and what were some symptoms when this is low. I have never donated blood. I do notice the longer i am on trt, i have the feeling i feel my heart beat heavier, sometimes shortness of breath wich...
  5. M

    Could dose be to high with these symptoms?

    Hi guys 3 weeks ago i started a new protocol coming from a daily one. I now do 100mg e5d. As for the last week Im experiencing symptoms like being very nervous, very anxious, bloodpressure is arround 140/90. Normaly its always arround 125/70. I really dont like this feeling. It freaks me out...
  6. M

    Burning injection site

    Hey all! So im 2 weeks into injecting 10mg daily. I only rotate between shoulders with insuline pin. This morning i pinned my right shoulder and as soon as i started injecting i had some discomfort and it start to burn. When i finished and pulled out the needle it started burning really really...
  7. M

    Daily shots in the morning or evening?

    Next week i want to start daily injections again. Im gonna try 10mg test E daily. But if i inject in the morning around 6am, then enanthate should peak by the evening am i right? Should it be better to inject in the evening so you peak in the morning? Have some of you tried this and notice a...