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  1. C

    ACTH test

    So now my Endo orders an acth test. I asked him about it and he said it is to check if I have adrenal insufficiency. And added that if I did he would give me a medicine,but not hormones ,cause he does not believe in hormones. My cortisol was 7.5 on the low side ,but within range. My free test...
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    Acth test

    So now my Endo orders an acth test. I asked him about it and he said it is to check if I have adrenal insufficiency. And added that if I did he would give me a medicine,but not hormones ,cause he does not believe in hormones. My cortisol was 7.5 on the low side ,but within range. My free test...
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    Endo wants to do acth test. Did not review my medical history,which includes prediabeties

    Well I am reluctant to do the acth test my Endo ordered. Why,cause I have prediabetes .
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    Latest from my endo

    So now my Endo has scheduled a acth test. He says my corisol 7.5 is borderline low .I don't have low cortisol symptoms other than fatigue. Acth tests run a battery of MRI,skin tests, and brain scans. I just wonder if this is necassary
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    My new Endo experience

    So today my Endo said my 757 test was high, but also stated my 62.5 free test was normal. He said my cortisol level was borderline,so ordered repeat tests,along with acth,and she's tests. Cortisol was 7.5
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    So tommorow I go to my doc.

    What should I telly Endo tommorow. Though my level was tested at 757 and free test 62.5. My libido is still low. Any chance my Endo can put me on something?
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    High total test

    My total test last week at 8 am was 757, free test 62.5, shb 62, albuman4.3 ,bioavailable 120.3 . Am I suppose to feel good?Cause I have had very low sex drive for months,including the morning of the test. Now I doubt my Endo will prescribe any trt
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    Dht lowering medications

    Well here I go again,with another testimonial about another doctor appointment gone wrong. Yesterday I went to see a urologist,who told me I have a slightly enlarged prostate. I asked him about the effects of dht, and if there are any drugs to combat it. He told me there are a couple but they...
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    Doctor wants to test cortisol, thyroid and test levels

    I went to an endocrinologist, he stated that he will consider test treatment,but first I have to discontinue my use of dhea for 1 week ,before doing blood work. He also asked me whether I was interested in test for energy reasons or sexual reasons,I found that odd,as I consider the two topics...
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    Cortisone shots for hips

    I went to an orthopedist to assess my mybtorn hip labrum's. He strongly insists on cortisone shots for my hips. I suggested hyluran shots instead,but he refused stating they are only for the knees. Are cortisone shots for hips that have labral tears and Spurs beneficial ? Do they improve...
  11. C

    My doctor reported I was on dhea and prasterone. Is this correct since I only reported that I was taking dhea?

    My doctor reported I was on prasterone. I feel this is misleading,since I only told him I was taking she's,and prasterine is a drug used for women. Can I use him?
  12. C

    Is dhea an androgen?

    Everytime I tell a doctor I took she's,they state it is an androgen and is unsafe. Is dhea an androgen,I always looked at it as an adrenal.hormone much like cortisone
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    Trt at 61

    Hi everyone,hope everyone is well. Just wanted to share my experience. My labs say I have 590 total test, 72 free test. That was 6 weeks ago, when coincidentally is the last time I I ejaculated by myself sob,sob. 6 weeks ago I decided to try semen retention, so have not ejaculated for 6 weeks. I...
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    Dhea raises PSA levels

    I was taking 25 mgs of dhea every morning, it raised my PSA level from 2.7 to 3.8 . I have since stopped,anyone knows why this happened?
  15. C

    Hi I am a 60 year old male with 8.2 free test level

    Well my blood work resulted in 590 total test and 8.2free test. Lh and fh levels were ok, but my progesterone and prolactin is high. Do I need try?