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  1. D

    Quest Lab values from just not adding up

    So I'm pretty new to this TRT thing and I'm still getting my arms around some of the discussion here. From what I've gathered: 1) LC/MS is the most accurate method for testing Total Testosterone 2) Equilibrium Dialysis method is the gold standard for testing Free Testosterone. I've done a fair...
  2. D

    Which value is correct?

    OK so here are my 6 week labs on TRT from Lab Corp. TT = 1008 264 - 916 FT = 16.9 7.2 - 24.0 E(Sensitive) = 33.4 8 - 35 SHGB = 30 19.3 - 76.4 ALBUMIN = 4.9 3.8 - 4.9 TCHOL = 183 100 - 199 HDL = 38 > 39 LDL 127...