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  1. J

    Which "part" of the HPTA is the hardest to "turn on" during PCT?

    I am getting off testosterone after two years (if you want back story, you can read my previous posts, and I'm unable to perform any conventional PCT as I cannot tolerate SERMs. I have, however, been entertaining the idea of using GnRH or hCG as a way to "prime" the body before coming off TRT...
  2. J

    SERM "PCT" Alternatives

    I'm strongly considering getting off TRT after being on 1.5 years and worsening my health tremendously. Since I'm suffering from an abundance of low E2 symptoms which I would probably exacerbate majorly if I were to use SERMs. Are there any other good alternatives? Anything that antagonizes...
  3. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    I just got my blood results back. I have been lowering my testosterone dose significantly over time, as I was experiencing many side effects on higher doses, which I thought may have been in part due to the high T:E2 ratio (seemed it didn't rise proportionally). I'm running 70mg of test cyp per...
  4. J

    Help Smoothing this Transition from Blend to Test E? (Math)

    I'm currently running a daily blend consisting of 5.625mg testosterone enanthate and 4.5 mg (i.e., a 5:4 ratio of test E to test P). I am hoping to transition off the test propionate back to solely enanthate, mostly for quality control reasons (I can only buy the propionate online, and given...
  5. J

    Paradoxical Increase in Adrenal Activity from Exogenous Test?

    All the literature I've read suggests that exogenous testosterone tends to have a suppressive effect on adrenal (and potentially thyroid) activity. It makes sense -- if your body has enough hormones, you won't be generating as much pregnenolone -> other hormones (including cortisol downstream)...
  6. J

    Has anyone felt better with more fluctuations (perhaps mimicking diurnal patterns)?

    Most TRT regimens seem to use test C and test E and keep levels relatively stable. Most using these don't experience the natural diurnal fluctuations that would occur naturally (rising in morning, lowering in afternoon, and rising again at night / early am). Has anyone felt better after adding...
  7. J

    Debate - Androgens: Estrogen ratio vs Overall Hormone Levels.

    I searched here, but I couldn't find any in-depth discussions about this specific issue. If anyone has any literature they would mind sharing on this topic, I would be extremely interested to read it. A couple questions: 1) Will you suffer from having too high of hormones, generally...
  8. J

    HELP - Heat Rashes, ED, and Cracking Joints - A journey Riddle with Side Effects

    To preface this, I am a post-drug patient with lasting sexual side effects (yes, PFS, PSSD, and PAS exist and I will not argue this). I have had enduring sexual dysfunction (dead libido, loss of morning wood, weak erections, etc.) for about 5 years since discontinuing psychiatric drugs. Most...
  9. J

    Adipsia/Complete Loss of Thirst + Skin Elasticity Changes

    To preface this, I've been on TRT at 200mg/wk, daily IM, for 8 weeks. I recently got labs and sodium, potassium, chloride and all blood markers came back within normal range. Before starting TRT, my thirst levels were normal and I didn’t have these… skin elasticity issues. I don't know exactly...