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  1. S

    Study show’s REVERSED aging!

    a VERY interesting synopsis of a study that was conducted on men 50-60 yrs old that were put on a cocktail of HGH/DHEA/zinc/Vit-D/metformin. This dude has a really great channel, definitely worth watching.
  2. S

    Sudden Elevated DHT?

    Curious if anyone has experienced a sudden onset of elevated DHT levels? Over the past 6 months my DHT has jumped from 79 to 123. Estradiol went from 39 to 52. My program for the last five years is 90mg Test Cyp 2x week. I have RX for AI but rarely if ever need it. I average high 800’s approx...
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    Anyone using K-10 as a alternative to HCG? I removed Hcg from my TRT protocol due to a recent battle with cancer and my balls are feeling (and looking) pretty miserable. I’m hoping K-10 can at least restore some size. I’m planning on using 0.10ml daily (Taylor Made Compounding Pharmacy protocol)...
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    HCG poses cancer risk

    I’ve been reading more and more research which indicates that HCG accelerates the growth of certain cancers (HPV and testicular in men). While the research doesn’t specifically dial into men who are using Hcg/TRT, the data does substantiate a Hcg and cancer growth. This is bad news If someone...
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    HPV cancers and HCG

    Would using HCG as part of a TRT protocol be potentially dangerous after being treated for HPV (oropharynx) related cancer? I was reading a study (link below) that showed that Hcg was correlated to HPV cancers in women. While I wasn’t able to fully decipher the medical jargon of the report it...
  6. S

    Greetings from NJ

    Hi all- I’ve been on TRT for 3 years and surfing the forum for just as long. Figured it was time to dive in and sign up..such a great resource.