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  1. J

    Questions about T/E2 ratio.

    It seems that there is a lot of emphasis on T/E2 ratio. Why do you suppose that labs like Quest, LabCorp, etc. don't report E2 results as a T/E2 ratio if that is what is more important than just the E2 results? And, why do you suppose they don't adjust the "range" to take into consideration...
  2. J

    Standard E2 test vs. Sensitive E2 test

    I had both the standard E2 and the Sensitive E2 lab tests done on the same day to use for comparison. My Sensitive E2 test was 4 points higher (58 pg/mL (range: < or = 29 pg/mL)) than the Standard E2 test (54 pg/mL (range: < or = 39 pg/mL)). I had expected the Sensitive E2 results to be lower...
  3. J

    Question about HPTA shutdown

    When the HPTA shuts down due to mono TRT does the pituitary shut down entirely? Or does only the part that controls LH and FSH shut down?
  4. J

    Why does this happen?

    I've spent a lot of hours the past few weeks reading posts on this site as well as others. Something that I have found curious is the number of men who develop libido and sexual function issues after being on a testosterone protocol (with no changes) for months and sometimes for years! Many of...
  5. J

    Please review my Lab Results

    I am hoping that you guys will give me some feedback on my current labs. Protocol: I have used 80mg of Test C E3.5D (mono) for the past 4 years. I am prescribed 5mg of Tadalafil and 4mg of Terazosin daily for BPH. I also take a bunch of other supplements and amino acids every day. During this...
  6. J

    Vitamin K for BPH

    Vitamin K for BPH article.
  7. J

    Why did my testosterone levels drop by almost 50%?

    I had my labs done last week and my Total Testosterone level dropped almost 50%. My Free Testosterone level also dropped by almost 50%. My PCP checks my numbers every 3 months and everything has been pretty consistent for the past 18 months. I haven't made any changes to the protocol that I have...
  8. J

    What are the side effects of high testosterone?

    What are the side effects of high testosterone? If a person has a TT higher than the normal range but has no side effects is that a bad thing? If so, why?
  9. J

    There is something funny about these numbers - can anyone help me interpret them?

    Back story: I am 68 years old and have been on my current protocol since April of 2020. I inject 100mg of Test C E3-1/2D. My PCP who has been overseeing my protocol for the past 4 years decided to retire leaving me without a PCP or anyone to manage my TRT. I now have a new PCP. That means I...