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  1. Nocalves

    Trt Clinic in Czech Republic

    Is there any Clinic, that can take care of me on-line? I am from Czech Republic and there is not any trt Clinic in here..
  2. Nocalves

    HCG low E2

    Few years ago I crashed my e2 from AI. Since that I suffer from low e2 for months even on 350mg of test per week. Now I can manage my e2 only by test E but I don’t feel well balanced on any level of e2.. Definitely I am missing something, my DHEA is low, my Pregnenolone is low, my progesterone...
  3. Nocalves

    Estrogen vs progesterone

    I am on 140mg/w daily dose test E. I am extremly sensitive to anything, what can possibly lower my estradiol. When I am just on test, my tst vs. E2 level seems to be ok, but I don’t feel good enough, my progesteron is low, my pregnenolon is low and also my DHEA is low.. Few months ago I was...
  4. Nocalves

    Hormone fluctuation depending on the dose frequency.

    I spotted few months ago, when I ran 40mg test enanthate (250mg/ml grapeseed oil) EOD, my level of test and e2 was significantely lower 48hrs after injection then few hrs after. Now I am on 20mg test enan. (100mg/ml in castrol oil - for slowing realese) ED. I tought the level will be really...
  5. Nocalves

    Urinating problem

    I see some urinating problem last weeks. I feel full bladder, but if I go urinate it takes few seconds than I finally start urinete and it starts with weak flow, in few seconds it is normal. (Like if somebody stands next to you and saying comon, and you just cant…) In the morning I go urinate...
  6. Nocalves

    Testosterone for low SHBG

    I try unsuccesfuly set my trt protocol and there is question in my head. If am on Testosterone enanthate 40mg EOD, I have very unstable level of T and e2. I made blood work 6h after pin- T was 800 and E2 was 50 and right befor next pin it was T550 and e2 32.. So consider ED aplication will...
  7. Nocalves


    I know it is late question.. Week ago I jumped on 25mcg of levothyroxine because of some sides… I am on trt for few years and have really low SHBG - 8,8 so most of those sides could be because of bad protocol. Anyway sides are - hair loss, low sexdrive + ED, bad mood, tiredness, and morning body...
  8. Nocalves

    SHBG vs estrogen

    If there is some ideal T/E2 ratio, what role does SHBG have there? I have extremely low SHBG, so should I reduce or increase ratio, because of different binding affinity.