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    Exogenous growth hormone and IGF-1

    Do any of you know.. if one takes exogenous GH, how soon IGF-1 levels drop to baseline after stopping? @Cataceous
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    IGF-1 and Growth hormone

    Has any one of you guys been on growth hormone and know your pre- and post IGF-1 labs? What source did you go through and did you notice a difference? I found out my IGF-1 is well on the lower end, consistently. But not enough for treatment. @Nelson Vergel @Cataceous
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    Testosterone gel application sites for maximum DHT

    Hi all, Wanted to know if anyone knew this. I'm aware that likely genital skin/scrotum is richest in 5a-reductase and thus yields the most DHT from topical testosterone (gel or cream). Does anyone know which site comes after that? From what I've read the sheer amount of skin you apply on...
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    Testosterone gel for the balls

    If anybody's wondering whether this can be done without burning.. I've tried pouring a thin layer of testosterone gel onto aluminum paper, let it stay out for around.. 2-3 hours, then apply to the balls. The idea is to let some of the ethanol evaporate. And why I do this.. I can't get the...
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    Testosterone cream (recipe - ingredients - composition)

    Hi, There is a compounding pharmacy where I live but they don't know how to make testosterone cream. Does anyone have a formula / composition that I can send to them as reference?
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    Does anyone know what carrier oil is used in Wellona Pharma Test Propionate, and Nexium Test Cypionate?

    I seem to tolerate both very badly. I do well with cottonseed oil. I get severe asthma-like symptoms from these. My situation is that I ran out of my Rx (which uses cottonseed oil) and I need a substitute as the clinic provides something to bypass Brexit
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    Testosterone 1326 ng/dl at trough - 100mg cypionate, 1.75mg anastrozole (weekly)

    Isn't this weirdly much? What confuses me is when I switched to this dose at first it went significantly lower. Should I try 80mg/wk?
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    Getting an EU T3 prescription

    Does anybody know of a doctor or a clinic in any country within the EU that prescribes this?
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    Levothyroxine kicking in in the evenings

    Hi guys, I've begun Levothyroxine treatment since last Friday, 50mcg a day, taken in the morning. I'm finding that it functions in a way that I didn't expect. I take it in the morning and around 10h later I'm awake like I haven't been for years. This is the effect I was hoping to get from...
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    Erections down

    So my experience so far with TRT has been that morning wood is non-existent without anastrozole, and I can make it appear like clockwork when taking it. However for the past week or so I've been having trouble with erection quality and duration (when using it). Does anyone have any insight on...
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    Injecting in right quad leaves swelling, left not

    Has anyone had a similar experience? The right one is always sore for days, the left one rarely is. More nerves/less blood flow on one side?
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    Those taking AI, what is your dose? Is there such a thing as anastrozole resistance?

    I've been taking testosterone cypionate for 4 weeks. 40mg EOD, along with 1.5mg anastrozole weekly. I was afraid that with this anastrozole dose I might be driving my estradiol down too low, but recently I measured it at 81 pg/ml. Maybe this is due to the testosterone dosage being way too...
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    Feeling emotional - Estradiol at 81pg/ml with 1.5mg anastrozole per week

    I was feeling borderline tearful again yesterday and decided to test some markers, prolactin, thyroid, estradiol and cortisol. Cortisol came back slightly below medium, FT4 on the low end, FT3 right in the middle. Prolactin was fine at 3.9 ug/l. Even kinda low. Estradiol on the other hand...
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    John Crisler resources

    I've been listening to and reading things by John Crisler lately on pregnenolone, adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues. I've read his book on testosterone therapy and am continually impressed by his knowledge and intuition. I'm wondering if there's anywhere where I can find blogs and things from...
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    Pregnenolone & DHEA, any of you guys taking them and seeing benefits?

    I have a bottle of 100mg pregnenolone tablets at home and took the first one this morning. Other than that I've no experience with it myself.
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    How much test is being lost in a non-fixed needle syringe?

    I'm wondering because I'm using a non-fixed needle 1ml syringe with 27g needles. You never push all of it out at once and I'm injecting 0.2ml at a time (40mg). Does anyone know this? I buy the supplies for a couple of months for maybe 2$ max. The clinic I go to wants to sell fixed-needle...
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    Injection procedure - test cyp in cottonseed oil

    I've recently ditched the 18g drawing needle for a 27g (same as I inject with). I'm finding that half the time when I stick the needle in the cyp bottle and pull down on the plunger, I get no test/oil. I generally start by drawing 0.2ml of air into the syringe which I inject into the cyp...
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    High rT3, low T3 and depression: study "Patients with thyroid disorders are more prone to develop depressive symptoms and conversely depression may be accompanied by various subtle thyroid abnormalities. Traditionally, the most commonly documented abnormalities are elevated T4...
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    What's your experience with being overly emotional / brain fog?

    So testosterone seems to have done wonders for my fatigue which I'm really grateful for. However I often feel extremely emotional and almost on the verge of crying. Sometimes after working out, sometimes after sex, often after nothing at all. Has anybody got experience with anything similar...
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    FT4 levels on tests and brain fog

    I'm wondering if my brain fog has to do with thyroid hormones. It seems to get a lot worse on days I don't take anastrozole. Testosterone promotes conversion of T4 to T3, and estradiol does the opposite. Inflammation also suppresses this conversion. So my thyroid levels over time have been...
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    Sleep apnea - events per hour higher on days without AI

    Has anybody noticed this? In general I'm seeing 0.8 - 1.3 events per hour (with CPAP) and then on the third night after no AI it reliably creeps up to 2.2 - 2.4.
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    Have any of you dealt with prolactin issues?

    Sometimes I wonder if my issues with E2 have to do with prolactin levels. If I don't take a hefty dose of AI erection quality is poor, libido is not happening, unbelievably emotional, and sex seems to be one trigger for me becoming emotional. This never used to happen until a year ago. I have...
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    AI and brain fog, morning wood

    I'm wondering if any of you have found the same. When I go without AI, libido is dead, there is no morning wood, and erections need to be forced. Brain fog also increases. Taking .75mg - 1mg anastrozole remedies that by next morning (dramatically). Easily measurable. Brain fog also...
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    How many of you are on thyroid meds?

    And what made you take the leap? Classic low TSH/T4 or T3? I see some of you are having reverse T3 measured which I believe isn't standard practice.
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    Waking up more often after starting cyp

    I've had this thing for a while where I wake up during the night. On my first 3 nights of cyp I find that I'm waking up more often. Has anybody experienced something similar? I'm not more tired, and I haven't given the levels a chance to stabilize of course. I will just continue on at this...
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    How much in this syringe?

    Look at the photo with the loaded syringe, the other is just to show the number of lines to 1 ml. Found it ridiculously hard to estimate how much this is.
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    Anybody using antidepressants with TRT? Similar to tramadol?

    I found that tramadol has a profound effect on my mood. It works by increasing serotonin, norepinephrine as well as working on one type of opioid receptor. Does anybody know of a similar AD?
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    Switched to cypionate - anxiety or cold sweats in the middle of the night

    I was on gel, trough levels were 880ng/dl. I skipped the gel yesterday morning and took instead 0.2 ml of a 200 mg/ml vial. At 3:30 AM I woke up feeling really anxious in cold sweat. Do you reckon this is because the levels shot up too high? Or allergies to the oil? Edit: Isn't this a bit...
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    Starting cypionate tomorrow - needle size?

    What needle size can I get away with? I'll never inject more than 0,2ml (in cottonseed oil). Doctor wants me to do subq but I believe I'll do IM. And do you have any tips for muscles? I'd prefer not to do delts and was thinking about starting with quads.
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    What do you guys do to tackle mood/anxiety if anything?

    I haven't found much myself. I manage the E2 which helps. Recently I've begun taking LDN as well and all I can say is maybe it helps.. it seems to to a degree.
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    Moving from gel to cypionate - do you guys feel better on injectables?

    I'm going to ask a questions that have been asked a bunch of times before. I'm moving from gel to cypionate, even though my levels on the gel are reasonable. A few things: * I seem to be very sensitive to medium-high levels of E2 * I have high levels of SHBG. 1. Have any of you felt that...