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  1. M

    Unexpected blood pressure drop with Semaglutide

    I have always had high blood pressure, even as a child. Since my BP spikes up and down, seemingly randomly, it's very difficult to control. And in the past few years the highs have been 200+/100+, high enough for one doctor to refuse to treat me anymore, and another doc wanted me to go the ER...
  2. M

    Reaction to Bacteriostatic Water

    I've been on TRT for about 10 years. I never added HCG until the last 3 months. At first I used the saline solution that came with the HCG, but I wanted to keep the HCG longer so I switched to bacteriostatic water. I'm having an allergic reaction (hard, sore, itchy lump at injection site) to the...
  3. M

    Firm, painful knot at injection site

    I've been on TRT for 10 years. I inject 0.2 ml (40mg) of testosterone cypionate twice per week. A few months ago I started injecting HCG (200mg) at the same time. I first draw the testosterone into the syringe, and then draw the HCG into the same syringe. I use a new needle when drawing each...
  4. M

    Will HCG work after 10 years of TRT?

    I think my title pretty much says it all. I've been on TRT for about 10 years for secondary hypogonadism. I don't take any other hormones or substances, just T (50 mg injected 2X week). My testicles are miniscule, as would be expected. Is it too late to add HCG to my regimen?
  5. M

    Estimating T-Level

    Is there a formula that can be used to estimate the T level that will be achieved after injecting a specific amount of T? I'm assuming weight is an important variable. Or, does everyone metabolize T very differently so that a formula does not work? Is there also a way to predict T level at...
  6. M

    High Erythropoietin

    I'm 58 and have been on TRT for 8 years. Currently using hydrogel from Empower. I've been struggling to manage high hematocrit caused by the TRT. I've been undergoing periodic phlebotomies. My lab results keep showing a high lever of Erythropoietin (33); I'm wondering if that's from the TRT or...
  7. M

    Testosterone Gel/Cream applied to scalp?

    I've been on TRT for nearly 10 years. In the past year I've had to switch from injections to a gel, because of problems with elevated hematocrit. I'm finding very poor absorption of androgel through the skin on my shoulders. I've read about good results people are getting with non-alcohol based...
  8. M

    Success stories for managing TRT induced increase in hematocrit?

    I have been using testosterone cyp injections for the last 6 years to treat low T levels. I inject 0.66 ml once per week. I recently had to get a new Dr. because my regular GP retired. I live on the Big Island, where it is very hard to find good doctors. Long story short, my new Doc ordered lots...