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  1. J

    5/16 needle in deltoids

    Lately I’ve been injecting daily with a 5/16 (8mm) 30G needle in my deltoids. I wonder if this is still considered a shallow IM injection or rather subq? I’m fairly lean (14%) and my shoulders are muscular from heavy lifting for years. Any ideas?
  2. J

    Daily injections in delts (left-right-left…)

    I’m switching from subq to shallow IM, injecting daily (which I do not want to change). Would I be fine rotating delts each day or do you need more injection sites? I’m using a 29g. I can’t imagine causing much scar tissue this way.
  3. J

    Are empty sterile vials ordered online safe?

    I live in Europe and I can only get glass ampoules of 250 mg test-e or sustanon in the pharmacy. I don’t like the idea of preloading syringes for multiple days because of the benzene alcohol eating at the rubber plunger or the medication absorbing EDC’s in the plastic. To split my dose I’d...