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  1. C

    Mixing Anastrozole with water?

    I know mixing the anastrozole with vodka for more accurate dosing. My question is, can I mix the AI with regular water? or with a lower-proof alcohol beverage(rice wine)? As I don't have a liquor store open around me. Any help is greatly appreciated, Thanks
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    High Albumin&SHBG , Free T calculation?

    This is my most recent bloodwork (Pre TRT), can you help me understand the result for the bloodwork and calculators? I think I am on the lower end, but I might be wrong. The symptoms that I am experiencing are lower libido, low quality erection, brain fog, mild anxiety (occasional but its...
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    Help with Lab result (high albumin&shbg) and free T calculation

    This is Pre TRT bloodwork, can you help me understand these result? I think I am on the lower end but I am not sure. I tried putting it in a different calculators but I get different results, also does anyone know what their range is?
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    Is my free testosterone low?

    As the title says, is my free testosterone low? I am in my 20s for reference
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    Injection site for ED/EOD protocol

    I have read nelson’s thread about injecting in the delt,vg or love handles. however is it fine if I inject only rotating the love handles? Im just worried about scar tissue build up. can you share what is the easiest and painless method that works for you guys? thanks
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    Low LH with normal Testosterone experiencing low T symptomps

    here's my recent bloodwork (the attached bloodwork is the most current one), I attached the bloodwork here. I took another bloodwork last year and my LH were 1.25 and Total Testosterone were 550 (not attached). The bloodwork is taken approximately 3.5 weeks after the cessation of SERMS (Torem...
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    Should I do TRT?

    I am 21 years old, and the main symptoms that I am experiencing are low mood, anxiety and mild depression. difficulty maintaining erection. I think I might have secondary hypogonadism. Can you guys give me some input? Free T is 36.61 pmol/L range is (30.88-147.50)
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