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  1. T

    [Doubts] Hcg in TRT

    Hey guys! I'm at TRT for 2 months. and starting from last week I started HCG 2x week shots of 300ui is hcg possible to cause sensitivity / gyno? I don't know if it's because I missed one of the doses of T these days, but I had a slight sensitivity in the nipple, and I already feel my balls...
  2. T

    Application Spots (subQ) - cypionate

    que pontos de aplicação do modo subcutâneo fora da região do umbigo? é possível fazer uma vasta região lateral ou da coxa? (desculpe inglês, usando o tradutor)
  3. T

    Low dose? 1 shot week or twice. TRT

    hey guys! I still have doubts about TRT. I started with a 66mg weekly dose. I had some acne and increased libido. but I think I'm getting in the way with the drop in testosterone on day 7. However I have been studying the option of using 2x week 50mg. What do you recommend? what ideal range of...