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  1. D

    Failed PCT?

    started TrT 2 years ago with TT of 345 and normal LH. Was on HCG for a month prior to last pin and a week after. Been on a month of 25mg enclo and these are my results. Do I have any chance at recovery, or is this the best I am going to get? Thanks.
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    Enclomiphine timing

    Greeting Gents, I am in the process of coming off TRT after 2 years. I took 500iu HCG for a month and for a week after last injection. I started 25mg enclomiphine every night 10 days after last injection. 3 days after starting enclomiphine, I feel AWFUL. I feel like I haven’t slept even...
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    Iron overload/hemochromatosis

    Been on Trt for 16 months. It has cured my libido problems, but I am still exhausted all the time with bad brain fog at times. About a year ago my iron tested and my levels were 165. Now they are at 203 (38-169). Iron a saturation is at 62% (15-55). I battled HCT/HGB for a while but it...
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    Itchy skin?

    I waited a bit on asking this one to make sure I wasn’t just being too sensitive to every little thing my body has been doing. After a few months, My skin will not stop itching, specifically my scalp. My eyes are also bloodshot all the time. “Yes dumbass, it’s winter”, is what my wife said...
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    Switched from E3.5D to EOD. Need to lower dose??

    Trying to keep E2 and HCT under control. I have not had very restful sleep since I started Test 9 months ago, tired all the time. Gym work and sex has been great though. I figured I would try switching to more frequent injections. I switched 55mg e3.5d, to 30mg EOD. it’s only been a week...
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    Same exact dosage, very different results???

    I have been on the same dosage (60mg e3.5d) for about 9 months. I have had 3 blood test since I started and the first two were pretty close in total test, free test, SHBG, estrogen, etc. However, the last one was much higher. TT went from 543 ->855. Estrogen went from 36->44. The blood was...
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    At what levels to supplement pregnenolone?

    My last (And first) blood test came back at 31 ng/dL (22-237). At what point do I need to supplemen, how much, and when? Doc didnt seem to know much about it. have some petty bad fatigue, brain fog, and sleep issues. any advice on starting to supplemen?
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    Does TRT raise or decrease cortisol?

    I have been a bad sleeper my entire life, but it has become a significant problem after a few months on TRT. I find myself exhausted all day then “wired but tired” at night. It takes me a few hrs to go to sleep. Once I am asleep I normally sleep ok, but wake way too early in the morn, after...
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    Injecting 2x a week vs 3x a week vs EOD

    I have been injecting 60mg every 3.5 days for 7 months now. Results are good, but having some minor HCT, Estrogen, and emotional/energy fluctuation issues. Although I can’t pin point them to my injection schedule, I am considering going to 3x a week or Even EOD injections. I travel for a...
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    Whey and egg protein alternative

    avid lifter and fitness guy here. I have developed some problems that the doc think may be related to my diet. I have been eating a bodybuilder diet for the last 18 years, with a lot of my protein consumption revolving around whey protein and eggs. I am going to try to eliminate these from my...
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    Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone?

    Does TRT have any affect on Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone? Kind of an obscure question, I know. I have a chronic illness that the doc is trying to help me navigate and cure. I won’t bore you with long details, but there was concern that my MSH was very low. Being a hormone derived from the...
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    What would cause sore joints on TRT?

    Relative newbie getting this thing dialed in. I have worked through a number of issues with help of this board (much thanks!!!). I am stronger and more sexually active than I have ever been, enjoying life finally. My newest problem is sore joints. Specifically elbows and wrists. I have never...
  13. D

    Feel terrible after orgasm?

    Kind of weird question, I know. Since starting trt I feel awful after orgasm. Tired, brain fog, lethargic, etc. I never had this problem in the past. It will literally ruin the remaining day. What the heck!?
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    When to be concerned with high HCT

    got my 6 week bloods done and my HCT is a hair below 50%. pre TRT I hovered around the mid-40s. I have found myself out of breath on walks with my kids, but can go crush a pretty intense workout session. Should I be concerned? I lots of water helps, but anything else? If it matters...
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    The average man produces 7mg of testosterone per day, so why take so much TRT?

    Heard fellow TRT guy say the average male produces 7mg of testosterone a day. Why do most of us take between 100-200mg a week and not have through the roof T levels?
  16. D

    New guy not feeling very good after first two injections

    new guy here, buddy told me about this forum. Week 1 of TRT, 75mg Test C e3.5d. Both nights after injection wake up in middle of night covered in sweat and with racing heart. After second shot i actually got some palpitations but I have had those in the past pre-TRT. I feel like I drank 25...