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  1. A

    Testosterone Gel or Cream?

    Hi I am on TRT from past 6 months and my SHBG levels are low so i take daily injections of 10mg. The reason for daily low dose injection is to ensure that my estrogen is under control. Usually my estrogen is 1.5 times my testosterone. I will post by blood results in 2 days. So, my question is...
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    Semen/Test after Varicocele Repair

    Hi, Has anyone got their testicle varicocele repaired and found success? I have on my left side and because of that my left testicles has become small. I also have low testosterone and low sperm count. I am guessing its because of varicocele. I will be super lucky if my sperm count returns to...
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    Long term use of AI

    Hi, Has anyone used Aromatase Inhibitor for long time? I would like to know whats your thought on this? What are the side effects. It would be helpful if there is no serious side effects for low shbg guys. FYI: I am on low TRT dosage and I am trying to avoid AI but just wondering if anybody...
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    HCG Storage

    Hi, My HCG which is pregnyl shows that the reconstitute solution is good for 28 days. That means, once the powder is mixed with solution then it can be used max 28 days right provided its kept in fridge. I use less dosage like 600iu per week and my HCG last for 2 months. What should i do...
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    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone were able to decrease or stop the aromatization of testosterone without the use of AI. If yes, what would be the minimum dosage we need? Does daily injection reduces aromatization? Its hard to find proper dosage for people with low SHBG and they end up...
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    What is going on? I stopped my TRT.

    Hello folks, I need help. I am posting my blood report. I am scared. Why so much increase in testosterone and estrogen with just 2 weeks of dosage? FYI, i completely stopped my TRT and HCG. I was taking 150mg test n 500iu HCG. Its been only 3 weeks. I started on feb 14. Is there anything i can...
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    Increase in resting heart rate

    Hi, I have been on TRT for 2 weeks now and there is an increase in resting heart rate. I am taking both TRT+HCG. I am taking 150 mg per week test n 500mg HCG. Before TRT, my heart rate was around 70 and now its 90 and sometimes 100. Does anyone have experienced this?
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    Pain after test injection

    Hi Everyone, Does anyone get pain after testosterone injection? I take both HCG n Test. I never got pain when i take HCG but when i take testosterone, i get pain all the time. Do you guys also get pain? I take subcutaneous near thigh. Please share ur exp. Thanks
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    Reason for High IGF-1?

    I am posting my blood results. This is before i started TRT which is on feb 14th. Blood was drawn on feb 10. Wondering what is the reason for high IGF-1 or somatomedin? I have low testosterone, low rbc and high cholestrol. I also have high normal blood sugar. Can any experts tell what is going...
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    My first TRT injection reaction

    After doing research for almost an year, I started my TRT. I am using TRT+HCG. Yesterday i tried to mix both test and hcg in a single needle but it dint go through well. There were bubbles so i throwed it away. So after that i took separate injection for test n hcg. Hcg went well no issues but...
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    FSH shipping to canada

    Hi Folks, I was wondering if any pharmacy can ship FSH to canada? I can get prescription if its necessary but wondering if you guys know any?
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    High HCG dosage causing increase in heartbeat

    Hello Everyone, My private doctor started 1250mg per week since 2 weeks. He wants to know whether hcg monotherapy works. Anyways, the reason i am writing this is i feel like i am going to get heart attack. Just running few steps cause my heart to pump crazy. Do anybody experienced that? Even...
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    Does clomid rises FSH levels?

    Can anyone tell whether my understanding is correct? HCG mimics LH Clomid works by blocking estrogen and then triggers pituitary to produce more LH & FSH right? So, I wanted to know whether clomid increases FSH levels too? Anybody have any experience? Also Nolvadex, Estrogen blocker...
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    TRT+HCG fertility check

    Hi Everyone, Has anyone on TRT+HCG checked their sperm count? One guy mentioned that his sperm count came to zero after a year of TRT+HCG. Has anyone in this protocal ever checked their sperm count? Just bcas ur balls are full doesnt mean u have optimal level of sperm. Can anyone please check...
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    Clomid alone fertility treatment for primary hypogonadism

    Has anyone with primary hypogonadism tried clomid alone to increase testostrone and sperm count. I already have above normal range of LH and FSH. I was wondering to increase the LH and FSH range to 20 and 26( Hypothetically), doubling the current range. I know the current protocal of...
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    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    Hello Experts, I am new to the group but have been doing small research for a long time. I understand that the normal dosage for TRT is 75mg testosterone biweekly and 500iu HCG Biweekly for someone who wants to maintain fertility while on TRT (Assuming there testicles are working fine). So, Now...