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  1. M

    Study: MRI-guided ultrasound treats prostate cancer with few side effects

    New treatment for Cancer, looks promising, they heat the cancer cells with ultrasound.
  2. M

    Bloods off AI

    I stopped my AI 3 months ago. This is on 160mg a week, every 3.5 days, with 500u of HCG on the same injection days, I have always been over 1200. I want to bring my levels down a bit and see how I feel, I lowered dose to 120mg a week with the 1000u of HCG. E at 45 seems low for no AI, Free T...
  3. M

    Estradiol E2 Testing in Men: Comparison Between Regular and Sensitive E2 Assays

    Since this question is always a hot topic on here, I did both tests at the same time to see how far apart they were, Royal paid for the non-sensitive and I paid cash for the sensitive in the same blood draw: ESTRADIOL, SENSITIVE 22.6 PG/ML 8.0-35.0 02 Methodology: Liquid chromatography tandem...