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  1. D

    New Thyroid Blood Results Coming Soon...Need Advice On Old Results

    My trt journey has been all over the map, high doses, low doses, different esters, injections ed, eod, e3d, hcg, etc., etc. And I have been pretty diligent to start a protocol and stick with it for at least 8 weeks or so to see if benefits manifest before changing. Yet that sweet spot never...
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    Low Free T with Very High Total T - Where to go now?

    A few months ago I looked over my past blood tests and found that my free T levels were 10% of what most men are posting here...and I have never felt dialed in. In times past, my Test-enanthate doses have ranged from 50mgs to 90mgs weekly and I've tried daily, EOD, E3.5D, & weekly. With that...
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    Could Reduction of Adipose Fat Tissue Via Male Liposuction of Midsection Reduce Estrogen Conversion?

    Most of my earlier life I was athletically fit with very little body fat. Now in my early 60's after some years of moderate over-eating and a more sedentary lifestyle, I'm finding it nearly impossible to get rid of the midsection fat even after months of cleaning up my diet(working with a...
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    Question: Is "ml" the same as "mL" in blood test readings?

    The only lab I have access to here in Mexico measures Estradiol in "pg/ml" with a normal reference range for men: 41-91.9 What is the difference(if there is one) of a reading of: pg/ml(lower case "l") vs. pg/mL(upper case "L")?
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    How Accurate Is The Online Tru-T Free Test. Calculator?

    After putting in my Total T(633 ng/dL measured at trough), SHBG(39.10 nmol/L), and Albumin(4.73 gr/dL) numbers from blood tests into the Tru-T Free Test Calculator, are my Free T numbers normal?: 0.93 nMol/L or, 26.95 ng/dL. I am currently dosing daily of 5mg test. Cyp. mixed with 4mg. test...
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    Looking To Find A Doc To Prescribe Enclomiphene

    I'm an American living now in Mexico. I would like to add enclomiphine to my T + Kisspeptin-10 protocol to help re-start my hormonal axis after being on just testosterone for about 2 years. In order to access enclomiphine, I would need a U.S. doctor's scrip for it. Perhaps a phone appointment?
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    Is the hormone: oxytocin, a missing piece for low libido while on TRT?

    I haven't looked thoroughly yet here on the site for more information on this, but wanted to get feedback from others who may have added oxytocin to their protocols to help boost low libido? Even though in most situations, I'm not anti-social, but given the options, I would prefer to be left...
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    Wanted: the benefits of HCG, but without the anxiety it gives me. Titrate dose?

    Been on basic T replacement now for 2 years and still haven't dialed in that "I feel great!" level of satisfaction. I read often that those who add HCG to their protocols improve their situations. I've tried it twice before, but anxiety is all I get for it. At the time of this writing, I...
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    Blood Results Today Show Low Estradiol vs. TT - Advice?

    Here's my current protocol: EOD injections of 14mg Test E for weekly total of 49mg of Test E. 10mg Cialis EOD Blood drawn on morning of injection BEFOREHAND to show trough Results As Follows: TT: 1033 (ref range: 193-740) FT: 58 (ref range: 8-27) E2: 37 (ref range: 41-91.9) Hematocrit: 47.3...
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    New Start w/HCG(250ui EOD) Now Recurring Herpes Outbreaks

    Wanting to know if others have had a similar result of having more frequent recurring HSV-2 outbreaks when using HCG. It is the only change in my protocol within the last 3 weeks and I have had now 3 separate outbreaks back-to-back-to-back. I'm clipped so not needing HCG for fertility, but...
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    Significant Loss of Orgasm Sensation from Very Low E2?

    Taking the advice of my HRT doctor addressing my high E2 numbers from my last tests...75, she prescribed for me to take .25mgs of Arimidex 2x's weekly to see if my numbers could fall into the range of 15-20. However, from my past experience having crushed my E2 to <5, I decided to only take...
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    8 Months on Daily Scrotal T Cream, E2 Still High

    Advice Needed From Others In The Same Boat... I've been on a daily regime of scrotal T cream application of 100mg and running my TT at around 950 ng/dL after about 8 solid months. My E2 has settled around 80 pg/ml and while I feel generally alright, I'm wishing for a better libido feeling...big...
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    New again to TRT after 10 yr. hiatus...need some BW advice

    Greetings all, glad to be here and I look forward to contributing. After taking 10 years off from TRT, I'm back on again. I didn't read much online back then but am very thankful to find the broad community here. Most recent TRT history(5 & 1/2 weeks now): I live and work in Mexico and took...