Search results

  1. bochinit

    Nandrolone Therapy as HRT

    Hello, what's the concensus about Nandrolone monoterapy used as HRT instead of Testosterone? I now there are indicated and used for HIV patients or people who need to avoid Testosterone side effects. Does men here do it?
  2. bochinit

    Someone having anxiety on TRT?

    Hello conrades, are someone here having anxiety or any other psychologic symptom of angryness or depression on trt? My anxiety spikes right before I inject (100mg per week/2x split) and lay down as days (half life obvious) pass by. I ger anxyous, agressive and have some insonia. Are anyone...
  3. bochinit

    It is Estrogen or DHT that causes BPH?

    It is the Estrogen or DHT that make men have problens in prostate when get older or by hormones use? Older guys on trt here, please share if you are having problems with it. I want to understand about this subject.
  4. bochinit

    Testosterone decrease collagen?

    I am searching last weeks about it because I read on some place that testosterone decrease collagen synthesis but I don't know if it's true or not. This means we can end up with flacid/older skin? Does someone have interest on anti-aging subject? Or there are someone old here on trt or even...
  5. bochinit

    Anxiety and anger on TRT

    Hello! I would like to know why sometimes I feel anxiety or anger in trt? I would like to live in a constant state of comfort but apparently that ideal point is being difficult to reach. how do I stay calm in trt? does this have to do with dosage or some hormones affected?
  6. bochinit

    Testosterone Undecanoate

    Someone has experience with Testosterone Undecanoate ester? Wikipedia says that this ester have 21 days half life, it is true? If so, would be a better choice for TRT, right? Injecting two times per month.
  7. bochinit

    TRT and Heart Palpitation

    Hi, I am currently using 100mg testosterone enantate per week, split into two dosages of 50mg every 4 days. I was trying to sleep now and started to have palpitations and last night was the same. Someone could help me to understand what is happening? (I am sufering this only when trying to...
  8. bochinit

    31g insulin syringes

    Anyone here using 31g to inject subcutaneous? I am using and it's very confortable, no pain. But I find it harder to push the piston. Advices to make easyer and faster?
  9. bochinit

    TRT and baldness

    Does anyone goes bald after TRT? There's a way to know if someone have mpb and will go bald?
  10. bochinit

    Testosterone and AAS Effect on Collagen Synthesis

    Does anybody have noticed and searched about collagen synthesis induced or reduced by AAS/TRT use? I saw articles around internet telling that Testosterone in high doses can decrease and some steroids like Stanozolol, Nandrolone, Primobolan and Boldenone can increase it. Do anyone have links...
  11. bochinit

    Inject 100mg of testosterone weekly. What level would I achieve.

    Hi guys, I want to know how much Total Testosterone we reach with 100mg test per week (comum TRT prescription). Should have 700ndl at this dosage? Do anyone have a chart about it?
  12. bochinit

    Half life of Nebido

    Hello everyone, do someone know the exact half life of Testosterone Undecanoate (nebido)? I'm asking this to know how frequently do I need to inject this ester to have stable levels.
  13. bochinit

    Does anyone use Proviron with TRT?

    Hi guys, I would like to know if anyone here uses proviron or know if it is suitable for long term use in conjunction with TRT. I appreciate comments and answers about it!
  14. bochinit

    Side effects of TRT + Nandrolone

    Hello guys, I am interested to start to Nandrolone in conjunction with my TRT but I'm little afraid and would like to hear of those following this protocol here in the forum regarding a side effect called "Deca Dick" whose I see reports on many internet forums where users of Nandrolone report...
  15. bochinit

    Steroids for burn trauma

    Hi, I would like to know which steroids are used clinically to accelerate and cooperate in the treatment of burn patients or post-surgical trauma. Does anyone have this information? Thanks!