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  1. S

    Lowering Test Cyp Dosage - Can't Sleep And Irritated

    I've been taking roughly around 130-135mg of Test Cyp a week and feeling great. Sleeping well etc. The issue is... I'm tired of donating blood literally 6 pints a year. I'm tired of the recovery time... depleted minerals. EVERYTHING! Around every 65 days or so when it's time to donate blood my...
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    Does Anyone Lose Sensitivity While Taking An ED Drug?

    Been on TRT 4.5 years. I have tried numerous protocols to get EVERYTHING working properly... Sexual function and also an ambitious mind. It seems like when I have a lively mind... I don't desire sex.... when I lose ambition and focus... I want sex more... but the electricity and plumbing never...
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    What Would A Doctor Typically Do With HIGH RBC And Low Iron & Ferritin

    I've been on TRT for about 3 years now. I've been taking 140mg of Test Cyp (weekly) for a very long time. I was donating blood rather consistently during those 3 years. Oddly enough during my last blood donation around October 2021 I haven't recovered. Both Iron and Ferritin sit exactly at 2...
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    Libigrow Male Enhancement Pill (Original Year 2012 Version)

    Gentlemen I've been trying to backtrack a few things in my life... well before TRT. As a funny joke one of my friends told me about the Libigrow male enhancement pill back in 2012. I was reluctant to try it because well... what could it possibly do? So about 6 months went by and my friend said...
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    Experiencing Lightheadedness And Dizzy Spells The Last Few Days

    I had a consultation for hernia surgery on Friday February 18, 2022. The doctor confirmed that I had a hernia at the same spot that was operated on about 14.5 years ago. He said the Mesh Plug is coming undone and surgery is required again. While he was going over the steps for surgery I became...
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    ED, No Libido, Seeing A Urologist Now

    Just a quick rundown of what i'm going through. I'm 43 years old. Diagnosed with low testosterone in April of 2019 (age 41). Took about a year trying to dial in the right amount of Testosterone weekly. I've had an Endocrinologist take me completely off of Testosterone (which was the dumbest...
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    Jet Black Stools - Is This A TRT Side Effect?

    I had an incident in which X-rays revealed I had several stools that were backed up. (Which naturally I was totally surprised by this.) I was going #2 fine with no constipation and no diarrhea. I basically felt lower back pain with increased abdominal pressure. My doctor gave me a laxative and...
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    My Concerns With TRT, Erectile Dysfunction, And Overall Well Being

    I have a couple of concerns with TRT, Erectile Dysfunction, and overall well being during the last 10 month of treatment. I apologize if this seems long but I’m trying to be detailed as possible in an effort for a more accurate resolution. Yes, lab reports show value but explaining overall well...
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    Is It Possible To Control Estradiol Without Blocker?

    Recently diagnosed with Low Testosterone. I'm doing my best to get into the High Normal Range of Testosterone with the Estradiol in the normal range. It's very hard to do without the use of Anastrozole (in which even the lowest dose makes me sick.) My mind gets very foggy and unstable even...