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  1. D

    Requesting advice from Lab work

    This is my most resent lab. Still trying to hit the mark, but not quite there. I'm currently injecting .10 daily, due to low SHBG. I use .125 mg arimidex twice weekly, DHEA nightly and 250 IU's HCG twice weekly. I still suffer from low libido, weak ejaculation. Am I missing something? Any advice...
  2. D

    Having problems with HRT

    I have been on HRT for at least 18 years and have never got it right. Recently joined Defy hoping to get things straightened out. I'm a low SHBG guy and currently use 1 click of the 200ml cream in the AM and .10 subQ cyp daily. I also use 500 IU's of HCG twice weekly. It just doesn't seem to...
  3. D

    SHGB and Estrogen levels

    I’ve read many posts about how your Estrogen levels should mirror your shgb levels. What is a guy to do if his shgb levels are low? My shgb is at what should I be seeking for E2 levels? Thanks
  4. D

    Requesting advice on problems in lab work

    I'm 55 years old and have been on many different methods of delivery since 38 years old. I have low SHGB and most primary care doctors don't have a clue about it. I even traveled many years ago to visit Dr. Crisler and back in those days he didn't have a clue about low SHGB. Looks like things...
  5. D

    Problems with long term HRT

    I'm 55 years old and have been on some type of HRT since I was 38. I started on androgel....worked great for about six months and my body quit absorbing. Since then I've tried about every method of testosterone delivery. I currently inject .8 ml weekly (enanthate). My levels seem to be fine from...