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  1. Sergel

    Wonder what you guys think of this video...

    In this video, dr claims that we should be supraphysiologic ... like Free T in the 30 to 60 ng/dl ... darn, that is a total t between 1000 and 2000 ... like mostly in the high range... I currently have a free T of 15.5 and my doc wants me to reduce it! ...
  2. Sergel

    Sleep and Testosterone dosing

    Might be annectodal, but I track my sleep with my phone because of some sleep issues... I have very mild apnea only when sleeping on my back... so instead of a CPAP I sleep on my side... lol I still wake up 3 - 4 time a night but fall right back to sleep... Now I have been lowering my dose...
  3. Sergel

    Cialis (tadalafil) leg pain...

    Darn, this was intense. I am part of the lucky ones that can take 5mg on demand and it works verry well... Usually I just end up with a little headache, stuffy nose and heartburn... (yes all this on 5mg, I guess I am quite sensitive to the stuff...). But yesterday, oh boy, the leg pain! Took the...
  4. Sergel

    HCG and elevated LH in Alzheimer patients

    While browsing alzheimmer info for my girl's aging mother, I came accross some studies that made me think my HCG use... Elevated gonadotropin levels in patients with Alzheimer disease The Contribution of Luteinizing Hormone to Alzheimer Disease...
  5. Sergel

    Understanding HCG and Total T ...

    Got tested for my yearly and my T was too high ackording to my doc. My protocol was 50mg Enanthate every 3.5d ... (100mg/week total) Got me to reduce the T to 80mg per week (I did actually 84mg per week) ... but added HCG at 500iu twice a week on top of the 84mg... After 6 weeks, my total...
  6. Sergel

    Tadalafil (Cialis) minimum effective dose...

    Excuse my enthusiasm, I just had my first Cialis experience... I am like a kid this morning... darn... TLDR: I only took 2 to 2.5 mg of Cialis at 1pm, made love at 11pm and had a hell of a stiffie and great orgasm... Any one else get by with such a small dose... Now the full story: But...
  7. Sergel

    Super high bio available test...

    Just went to the doc for my annual... I am on trt for one year, my protocol is 120mg per week... was prescribed twice a week injection (enanthate... Delatestryl) ... All is well, did me a ton of good... however... I did adjust my protocol to EOD a few months back... simply split my dose in 2...
  8. Sergel

    New to Testosterone Treatment

    Hi, 61 yo guy, started trt 4 months ago... 60 mg/ Enanthate twice a week (wed, sat) ... that's it... feel great... No HCG... is that absolutely necessary? It flipped my life over... I feel it turned the switch to the ON position ... it had been off for quite a while... lol I realize I did bad...