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  1. Rock H. Johnson

    My 15 weeks experiment with Nandrolone.

    As with anything in life, one size does not fit all. So the following is anecdotal as in my subjective experience with Nandrolone Decanoate. When in last December chatter on the forum started to become louder on people adding Nandrolone to their protocol, I decided to go to my local friendly...
  2. Rock H. Johnson

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Update: Hydroxychloroquine and Other Treatments

    SLIDES: COVID19 Presentation Nelson Vergel March 23 2020.pdf SLIDES April 21, 2020: Hydrochloroquine and COVID-19 Emerging Data and Placebo-Controlled Studies Update on April 4, 2020 from Medscape (RCT's:Randomized Clinical Trials) HydroxyChloroquine RCTs Chloroquine...
  3. Rock H. Johnson

    Metformin Decreases Aerobic Capacity, Muscle Mass and Testosterone

    I have been on 2x1000mg a day but I lost my endurance(Kun Khmer/Muay Thai training) and workout capacity/volume. I had no common sides from it, no diarrea etc, but felt physically limited. A strange feeling of being limited by the amount of energy the body had stored or could generate on the...