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    Alcohol & TRT

    If we’re taking exogenous Testosterone, how can alcohol consumption still affect libido and or sexual function? I know alcohol increases estrogen levels in blood but does it also get into tissues and cause negative affects?
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    Pregnenolone & ED

    Anyone experienced ED with Pregnenolone?
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    Topical v. Oral Pregnenolone

    Has anyone one used both topical and oral pregnenolone and noticed that one is superior to the other? I am on 25 mg topical pregnenolone per night. I notice my mind is a little sharper and improved mood. Wondering if oral results would be even better.
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    Hydrocortisone or Bioidentical Cortisol for Adrenal Fatigue?

    Which of the above is better for adrenal fatigue?
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    Does anyone know a pharmacy that offers Pentravan as a T cream base?

    I am currently using T cream and have tried both HRT base and Versa base creams. I am always looking for better options and have heard that Atrevis and Pentravan bases are also really good and sometimes superior. I have discovered several pharmacies that offer Atrevis but having trouble...
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    Empower Cream VersaPro Dry and Flaky

    I recently received 200mg/ml T cream from Empower for the first time. The Topiclick for the 200mg says "Versapro" and it dries so quickly and flakes so much that it doesn't even seem/feel like its getting absorbed into the scrotum, and there is a lot of powdery residue on my finger and my sack...
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    PE (premature ejaculation Tramadol)

    Anyone know of a doctor that will prescribe Tramadol for PE? SSRI's make me feel like absolute crap. Topicals make me too numb, or burn depending on what I use plus wife does not want topical stuff going into her..
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    T Cream + Hcg

    To the guys on here who have had great success with cream protocol. Do any of you use cream plus hcg with great results? I know some guys use cream plus injections but I am wondering about cream plus hcg... or if most, or all, with great success with cream are using cream only, with nothing else.
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    Brand name Enanthate

    Does anyone know if there are still brand name enanthates out there?